To be honest, I don’t think that’s ipsaes problem. Haneum should know by now what type of jewellery would suit ipsae as well as ipsaes preferences. Also, I’m sure 80% of people who propose are actually terrified of getting a no or making a mistake or making their lover uncomfortable by rushing things. Yea they’ve been together for a long time but he knows ipsae was, for the longest time, super uncomfortable with even the word “commitment” and that he valued his freedom over absolutely everything else. Ipsae still has those values and you can see that in him questioning if he’ll get bored but ipsae has changed in that freedom is not his TOP priority now. That doesn’t make it not a priority to his, just less of one. Haneum knows all this. It’s not sad for him and honestly he doesn’t deserve “better”. He got a man who changed his priorities and changed his actions and whole demeanour to accommodate his lover. He was crying cause he’s a crybaby who cries at everything. It was a beautiful written proposal and everything was fairly realistic for how proposals go.

your partner, especially the one you are marrying, should NEVER make you feel like a burden and that is specifically the word haneum uses. it is not the fact he is nervous, it is the fact he is insecure in the relationship itself and therefore thinks that asking to be married is burdensome for ipsae. if you have been in a relationship for years, those feelings should no longer be an issue bc you will have communicated with your partner and figured out a way to make both people feel loved in the relationship and worked out any issues with commitment before this point. i feel sorry for anyone who feels genuine fear of being a burden to their partner while proposing.

He does know ipsae loves him. That’s why he got the ring and that’s why he’s content in their relationship. You’re literally reading wayyyy too far into things. Most people get cold feet right before any big life altering decisions. That’s normal. To suggest that it’s not is incorrect. And it IS a burden. I know people like to romanticise it but marriage absolutely is a burden that you both share and that should be fully considered before you get started. He’s not at all insecure in their relationship. He literally said “if I were to overanalyse everything in the past and present, I would end up hurting you”. He doesn’t even have a shadow of a doubt about his partner or his partners feelings. He’s entirely worried that he will be putting too much pressure on his partner too soon. There’s nothing sad or worrisome about that. You’d feel the same before asking your partner to move in or to ask your partner if they are ready for kids. These are relationship burdens. The only difference is that the burdens in a relationship should be shared and halved. If one person is more burdened than the other, it creates resentment. Haneum wants to make sure that the burden of marriage falls equally on the two of them so that they can continue to work equally hard in this relationship. You sound like you’re jealous of ipsae and that you’re trying to do anything and everything you can to discredit him. Are you sure you aren’t biased? It also sounds like you’ve never actually been in a long term committed relationship either since this is all common knowledge.

i have been in a long term committed relationship before yes. and i wouldnt call these burdens, burdens are associated with the thing being bad, all the things you mentioned change relationships and can add stress on them, but they are not inherently burdens or negatives for the relationship. also to suggest im jealous of a fictional character is actually crazy, i genuinely laughed when i saw that. anyway i guess we have to agree to disagree, but i stand by what i said abt how feeling like a burden to your partner is sad and shouldnt be the case.
i like the story overall but potential hot take, i did not like that proposal scene. the fact that after YEARS haneum was still so insecure in their relationship that he thought he was making ipsae uncomfortable and even was prepared to have to get new rings bc he expected ipsae to not like anything he picked out is honestly so sad. dont get me wrong, i liked this story and even thought they were cute together but that moment just makes me sad and makes me think that haneum deserves better