Spoiler based on the images (I don't know Japanese/Chinese):
Haruki is thinking of killing his brother on at least 2 occasions, but looks like he's not able to do it in the end. Instead, he tries to commit suicide by overdosing pills (probably sleeping pills). You can see the empty blister packs above his head, on the last page of the chapter.
But don't worry, going back to the first pages of ch. 1 , I'm 100% sure he won't die.
I still hope for a decent end of this manga.

Did overdosing affect him mentally in some ways? I hate to use the word, but in the first pages of ch. 1 as you referred to, he looked like what a retarded puppy looked like after being kicked around the block five times.
Blank eyes from the rape, blank eyes from fried brains.

I'm actually extremely relieved to hear that. I was seriously concerned that he loved him for a minute. He was actually just trying to convince him that he loved him so that he could kill him.
I doubt sempai will come back at this point, but I still hope, especially based on chapter one, that he will be free of that horrible person.

I've just read the whole chinese raw you gave and was like, "shit why..", because haruki literally wanted to free himself by killing hikaru but just couldn't gather the courage to do so, or maybe deep in his heart he doesn't want to do that, and in the last two pages, haruki thought, "...blablabla, eventhough you are crazy and twisted, I still find myself LOVING YOU." be like what...,, i am definitely speechless, but it still doesn't say what kind of love it is, maybe it's twisted kind of love or maybe brotherly love??? idk need to see the next raw.. and I think Hanabusa's chance of getting Haruki has becoming very very very low...

oh, and the killing thing, and the laying down unconcious part, I think that haruki tries to kill himself because he can't bring himself to kill his brother, and also because he thinks that at least one of them has to disappear for them to really became happy, aaannd he chose himself.. that sucks..

sorry, it's "I still love you" rather than "I find myself loving you", maybe the proper translater would correct this..

Clarification on the ending translation. The one who said I still love you is not Haruki. It is Hikaru. He knew all along that Haruki was gonna kill him, and that he was the one who drove Haruki to madness, but he still loves him. That is why he was surprised to find himself still alive.

Uh, and yet people say that Si Won CHOSE to die when he attempted (completed?) suicide after the rapes, in Wlate?? And, sorry people, you are kinda proving my point when you ask why there is even a possibility that Haruki might fall in love with Hikaru, that the only reason everyone hates Hikaru 100% is because the victim didn't fall in love with his rapist. It's kind of sad to have my theory confirmed on a discussion that was SUPPOSED to be simply about the ending of the story.

"The only reason everyone hates Hikaru 100% is because the victim didn't fall in love with the rapist."
I can assure you 100% that this is not the case for plenty of us. This manga is not comparable to the type of manga in which a person falls for their rapist because those are practically two completely different types of stories. One is realistic. Because it's realistic we look at it from a realistic view: Hikaru is a sicko.
And as someone who has read Royal Fiance', I can guarantee you that I would hate that piece of shit even if their love became mutual.
Your theory has not been confirmed. At all.
Ch 15 Complete Raws >> http://www.weibo.com/2136432794/F1JrYFpS9?type=comment#_rnd1494158485769
This is so sad.. :(