I haven’t read this yet and am now too scared to read it, but I have a hypothesis that people are oftentimes automatically harsher on the MC because they are the MC and the story is from their perspective. I see this in BLs mostly, but readers are quicker to blame the MC and give them negative labels because they’re used to the “annoying MC” stereotypes, which partly lowers the quality of BLs because people are so quick to judge MCs that even the MCs written with sustenance are simply labeled as annoying or stupid.
Also, you can state that the MC made a stupid choice and NOT say “he had it coming,” they are two separate statements btw. One acknowledges that he made a mistake in making a reckless decision (not listening to ML and following the other person) while the other victim blames him and minimizes him as a person. Why are we acting like the decision MC made was to be r*ped? No, it wasn’t. It’s not like he crossed the street when people told him there would be cars driving by, he crossed the street and there was a massive car accident okay???
I haven’t read this yet and am now too scared to read it, but I have a hypothesis that people are oftentimes automatically harsher on the MC because they are the MC and the story is from their perspective. I see this in BLs mostly, but readers are quicker to blame the MC and give them negative labels because they’re used to the “annoying MC” stereotypes, which partly lowers the quality of BLs because people are so quick to judge MCs that even the MCs written with sustenance are simply labeled as annoying or stupid.
Also, you can state that the MC made a stupid choice and NOT say “he had it coming,” they are two separate statements btw. One acknowledges that he made a mistake in making a reckless decision (not listening to ML and following the other person) while the other victim blames him and minimizes him as a person. Why are we acting like the decision MC made was to be r*ped? No, it wasn’t. It’s not like he crossed the street when people told him there would be cars driving by, he crossed the street and there was a massive car accident okay???