I saw the comment and got angry because I felt so bad for the author !! I mean... WHY ASK?? IT WAS SO STUPID!! And you are completely right, I do read here as well, I joined this page not long ago... and discover this manhwa, as many others of BL or other content, I didn't know about lezhin until I joined this page... I´m kinda broke but because I love their work and I want to know what happens next in the stories, I´m paying for the raws, even though I don't read Korean or Japanese at all...I read with google and wait to be translated here... In my opinion is money "well spended" I´m happy, they are happy...

I saw the tweet too and was like...ugh stupid girl!! Just how stupid can you be?!

by the good gods, thank you for putting this one here. i couldn't have said it any better.
if you follow the tweets, it's not only Team Killerwhale and Zec... Lee Aru (Window to Window), Kim Tirano (All About Lust), Gyaga (The Baker on the First Floor) and a bunch of Lezhin artists joined in too...
so please, let's just keep to ourselves here in mangago. because whoever that person is, didn't only compromise the Lezhin webtoons being translated and uploaded here, but she also put the entire site in a tight spot.. -___-

it really is kind of hard to discuss these things, for the first of course we should support the author 'cause they do this for a living, but in the other hand all of us who wants to read and can't afford choose to read it illegally, I would like to support the author but right now it's something I can't afford or put as a priority... I think the authors should at least consider that too (even tho yes, they actually have all the right to get mad) I'm just asking myself why the fuck did she ask that?! like WHY THO?!

That person who tweeted that is so fucking impatient and stupid. Didn't she know that mangago was kind of illegal? I mean seriously? Can't you just be patient. I mean, there's this instagram account that tells you the time when one story updates, can't you just ask them or look at them? Why must it be the author when you ask something about illegal like that?

Most of us didn't heard before about lezhin until we saw the manhwuas here... And most of those artist gained a lot of fans and recognition thanks to these illegal sites... Double standards here ok? Of course it sucks because most of us want to do the right thing, but whatever is the reason we can't do it. Still at the first chance we have we bought coins and support the artist, but let's face it, most of them are popular and their sales went high thanks to fans posting their work here, there and everywhere (for example killing stalking. I saw a while ago how lezhin was "overwhelmed" with the bunch of foreign people demanding english releases asap. Results: simultaneous releases on korean and english as well, currently).
I'm not saying that they don't have the right to get mad, of course it's illegal and it sucks! But to be honest, they have recognition now because we saw them here (damn I don't speak Korean and I bought a couple of chapters because I'm impatient af and want to know more!)
Ps. I also must say, I prefer illegally translation than the official because for me, they make more sense than the one published on the official site (don't throw tomatoes at me... ( ̄∇ ̄")
Anyway, support your favorite artist when you can, and also the fans that work hard to bring the works here, and one way to do it is keeping our mouths shut and just fangirl here and only here, ok?(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I agree we should support the authors, that's why I buy the chapters from time to time, but then I would have never known about some of these mangas because of mangago

I know they have reason to be mad at us, but when the authors say that they hate the pirates, and that we aren't real fans, it makes me so sad ╥﹏╥
When an author was asked how they felt about us they said we weren't their fans and that we should stop reading it... (i 100% understand but still ( ̄∇ ̄") i cry ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ)

Well i do agree about supporting the authors and what so. But what im not agree is that the way the author spoke to us (their fans) rudely and say something like 'we are not their fans' and 'i hate you'. I mean they can spoke to us at more politely? Yeah im agree that we r not suppose to read it at illegal website and i DO agree that this is their ways on making money.
Tbh i felt a little hurt y'know. It's not like im not buying any coins on lezhin, well I DID BUY until some authors (not all) spoke rudely. They can just told us not to read or something or make it less rude? Okay this is just my opinion and what im tryin to express. I still supporting the authors (the nice one) and the rude one just consider i never want to read and regret supporting them.
Hopefully some people notice and try to understand what im trying to tell. Even if this website will be taken down, TRUST ME ANOTHER ONE WILL APPEAR. piracy will always continue even anime, others movies and novel. They will always be piracy.
ok so if you didnt know already:
2. DO NOT MENTION mangago or any other illegal manga reading web TO THE AUTHOR
3. why?
4. imagine if youre the author and heard your works are being distributed FOR FREE without your consent, how do you feel?
5. please do SUPPORT THE AUTHOR by buying with actual money their manga on lezhin web (for manhwa) or physical copy (for japanese manga)
6. why?
7. because thats how the author put food on their table, the cost of living in their current house, etc by receiving the money we use to buy their works
8. tbh by reading via this kind of web were considered as thief but some just "cant afford" the price to buy their works and choose to read here
9. even though you read here please support the author as well, how are they supposed to live if we keep stealing from them?
10. if youre saying that im a hypocrite cause im reading from here too, yes i do read here too but at the least bit i spend my money to buy coins on lezhin and buy some physical copy of the manga (though some are secondary too)
thanks for reading (≧∀≦)
im saying this cause someone just mention @real_zec (the author of lover boy) on twitter and asked "when will the next chapter of lover boy out on mangago?" sorry to say this but thats just plain stupid :( worse, they noticed and the author of warehouse also noticed and said to unfollow them if were reading via mangago and they also hate us ┗( T﹏T )┛