Name change.

Judychan February 1, 2025 1:52 am

“ I might as well change my name to “Choi In-sane” took me out.

It is so strange that so many whiny people in the comment section bitching about how toxic the ML is, yet cannot stop reading this manga. You’re addicted to toxic characters. You’re just in self-denial about the fact that you enjoy reading these kind of mangas. It is the only explanation for you to say that you hate the ML but yet you devour the pages of this manga. I’m gonna keep saying it until it sinks into your heads. You are being a hypocrite by virtue signaling that you are a better person than the ML. When in fact, you are not any better than the ML. Whenever I call out the hypocrisy of your actions. There will always be someone who feels cold out. And being called out since a trigger to your warped mind. You are like Pavlos dog with the whistle. Because your immediate thought is to wish me some twisted shit to happen to me. you care more about a fictional character in a manga than an actual living person who you do not know who has an opinion that’s different than yours. My calling you a killjoy is by no means wishing you ill. Whereas your Pavlos, dark response is to wish the plague on me. That’s instinctually more toxic than some made up story that you are reading willingly by choice with your time. I know some people who are going to read this. I’m going to be very butt hurt by being called out like this.

    Fujodanshi February 1, 2025 11:57 am

    huh...? dude it's about the story and the plot. And emotions. Don't you get the concept?

    Judychan February 2, 2025 9:36 pm

    I get the concept of these kind of mangas. They are very well written in the most toxic ways to engage rage with the readers. It’s the way it hooks y’all. If you as a reader, do not like these kind of characters, you must start reading these mangas. Do not support these kind of mangas if you hate the ML for being fucked up. Do not support these kind of mangas if you hate the MC for being weak. No support by not reading these kind of manga is a guarantee way to stop more of these types of manga. Not coming to an illegal sites of these mangas to bitch and moan because the writers are not going to see it. Or are you and the other whiny little biatches not getting THIS CONCEPT. If you are here reading it, you’re just as fucked up as the ML and do not have the self awareness to know this. At least I know why I am reading this. I want to see what other fucked up shit the MC is enabling the ML to do. Much like how the whiners are enabling these kind of managa by continuing to read and engage with the manga to boots its popularity on this site.
