easy for you to say. Put yourself in his shoe! imagine going almost your entire life not being able to trust people, and when you finally do, you find out they've been studying and analyzing you to create a character. Doesn't matter what their relationship is like right now, it's hard to move past a betrayal like that especially because mc didn't come clean on his own. He found his fcking files on his computer! how can he bring himself to trust that whatever they had was even real?? WE know because we're reading it and see mc's perspective.
I get why it’s hard for him to trust again, and I’m not saying the betrayal wasn’t serious. But just because the relationship started with deception doesn’t mean everything was fake. If the MC had no real feelings, why would he struggle with guilt? And if the ML truly believed it was all a lie, why is he still emotionally affected? Yeah, trust is broken, and it won’t be easy to fix, but emotions aren’t that black and white. If there was nothing real between them, then why is it so hard for ML to just move on?
After all the time you spent with him and gotten to know his personality did you seriously think he was doing all of this dating you sleeping with you just to analyze you? REALLY!?! Cause you should know that's not the case you should know he doesn't care that much he's with you cause he likes you.