
They aren’t translating. They are uploading official translated chapters , which they can just stop doing at any time . I’d rather get a “ false update “ than struggling to understand the fanmade translations . Fanmade translations aren’t always bad , some are better than official even . But the quality can drop depending on who is translating . So yes , you SHOULD be glazing the uploaders like jujucat cause they are uploading quality “locked behind paywall” chapters to you for free.
ngl the ppl getting mad at the people that ar upset abt the update being a ph gotta calm down a tad bit… you guys are quite aggressive and all ive seen from the upset ppl is “we got blue balled” why yall getting mad when its valid BUT also dont be pricks to the translators or the updaters guys, they do this stuff FOR US out of good will and take time out of their day js so we can goon to two men kissing n stuff