eh? he's so adorable??? well, both of them????

cheesygarlicbread February 1, 2025 12:05 am

here's to hoping that the weird spider web thingy is just acting as an aphrodisiac or will manifest as slutty webby tentacles instead of anything particularly harmful (copium but plej )

    JackH February 1, 2025 12:29 am

    The thing on Lee Taegun's ankle is the same sort of the thing that was on Seo Eunsung's neck. The thing on Seo Eunsung's neck caused him to relive the worst moment of his life. And now Lee Taegun has the same sort of substance attached to him. From the raws, I think the mind-warping dungeon and all those substances are being caused by that dirtbag esper from Lee Taegun's past. So now that dirtbag can get at Lee Taegun if he's not careful. Lucky that Seo Eunsung is trying everything to protect Lee Taegun.

    Wacko88 February 1, 2025 12:30 am

    For real. I couldn’t enjoy the cuteness at the end for the sheer anxiety I felt over that fuck face ex (even more so knowing he can make it seem like he isn’t there, what if he’s just been standing to the side watching this whole time? ?? ) and also that freaky mark on Taegun’s ankle. It was clearly there, looks different front the nightmare mark, and is then is conveniently not there when people check?

    The best “worst case” scenario I am hoping for is creepo standing to the side all “these are not the droids you’re looking for” so he can be a voyeur to learn Taegun’s backlash. Actual worst case being creepo has done a mindfuck and Taegun sees his guide but it’s actually the ex

    Nobody February 1, 2025 3:08 am
    For real. I couldn’t enjoy the cuteness at the end for the sheer anxiety I felt over that fuck face ex (even more so knowing he can make it seem like he isn’t there, what if he’s just been standing to the... Wacko88


    The mark disappeared and the dungeon has disappeared as well, but it wasn’t closed, so chances are it’ll appear again.
    As for Jaeha, he needs to touch people to manipulate them and he hasn’t touched Taegun.
    In the latest chapter he seemed to suggest some unsavory past and Taegun very explicitly tells him to leave Eunsung alone and basically that no one would miss him if he were to disappear.

    I don’t think he has anything to do with Nightmare, but I do think that dungeon will come back to bite him later.

    cheesygarlicbread February 1, 2025 4:48 am
    SPOILERS.........The thing on Lee Taegun's ankle is the same sort of the thing that was on Seo Eunsung's neck. The thing on Seo Eunsung's neck caused him to relive the worst moment of his life. And now Lee Taeg... JackH

    ugh i hope that dank ass bitch enters a dungeon and gets lost in a sandstorm

    Wacko88 February 2, 2025 3:52 am
    ugh i hope that dank ass bitch enters a dungeon and gets lost in a sandstorm cheesygarlicbread

    Hahahahaha I agree