Novel spoilers (copy and pasted from website)

cassiopeia January 31, 2025 2:35 am

Okay I will leave some spoiler here and some of my understanding about the story.

Haewon still end up with Haeyoung (His crush and the one who always abuse him!) Haewon escape a lot of times but still end up getting caught. Haewon's greatest escape is when he tried to kill himself... (Not sure, I think he jump on the clip) Taegyeom and Hyunwoo (the other guys) thought that Hyunwoo died and then Haeyoung won't accept it.

But Haewon is alive and was save on the country side. Kitae is the one who help him. Kitae want Haewon to be treated on Hospital but Haewon refuse. Time by time Haewon's injuries and wounds are healing. I guess he hide in the country side for more than a year.

But well... Haeyoung still found him... He pays people to find Haewon... In that arc, I guess Haeyoung became a drug user.. not sure because I only read MTL..

Then he caught Haewon and still repeat the cycle of abusing and raping him until his healing body is severely injured again. Haewon eyesight and hearing became so bad that he needs to use earing aid because he can't hear properly anymore.

Haewon with Haeyoung's side, made him so depress, meanwhile the other two, Taegyeom and Hyunwoo was out of the pictures...

In this arc... It was mainly focus on Haeyoung and Haewon.

Haewon tried to killed himself because of depression. He lost his appetite, he vomits blood and he had a lot of wounds and bruised... And yes of course I think Haeyoung was finally having a knock on his mind that Haewon finally needs to be save.

Duhhh... Haeyoung realize that Haewon needs treatment because it was obvious that he is dying by abuse and depression, but by the way he stop hurting him that time.

He treated Haewon, they seek for psychiatrist to help Haewon with his depression. (but I also want Haeyoung to try having one because he also needs it but it didn't happen tho.)

It was a very long time of treatment for Haewon because he is always having a seizure about the abused he experienced and Haeyoung stays by his side all the time because he is obsesss freak.

Haewon really wants to forget and escape away from Haeyoung but Haeyoung wont let him... He is obsesss!

Timeskip... Haeyoung became a professor and Haewon recovered but still has this feeling of terror. Of course they were living in a one roof and declared themselves as a lover, and Haewon doesn't have a choice about that, because he still dependent to Haeyoung. Haeyoung made him like that.

Although the abuse like hurting Haewon is not present anymore in their lovey dovey as a lover arc, Haewon still feels the terror. Of course its difficult to forget the past.

Yes Haeyoung change he doesn't hurt Haewon physically anymore, he treats him better now and he controls himself now when he gets jealous but you know what, he is a manipulator because Haewon never had a chance to escape and forget him.

At the end they were together. And for me it was obvious that Haewon develop a Stockholm Syndrome.. although he can live with his own his mind and his heart are not independent, he was owned by Haeyoung until the end.

Haewon can't never forget his past, he just accepted his destiny, because no matter how hard he escape, Haeyoung will find him.

In final arc, Haeyoung don't abuse Haewon anymore because he wants to redeem himself and live with him forever.

Link to novel spoilers:

WOW. Who tf sat down…wrote this story… and said- “Yep. This is great. I must share it with the world”

    Scara January 31, 2025 4:21 am

    Ok I was waiting for the revenge arc looks like there isn't any... Time to drop this

    cassiopeia January 31, 2025 6:33 am
    Ok I was waiting for the revenge arc looks like there isn't any... Time to drop this Scara

    Yea i barely found it on ig bc I saw a cute pic. But the comments were warning people not to find it bc it’s shitty. I couldn’t help myself though, found it here and skimmed thru it. Then when I saw it wasn’t completed and had a novel- i had to find out the ending for my sanity. I won’t be wasting time reading it either.

    spansie February 6, 2025 5:59 am

    i just wanted haewon to get revenge why do none of these authors ever let that happen

    chickenDONUTs February 8, 2025 2:26 am

    Thanks for the spoilers. I thought it could be a redemtion or a revenge story but nah I am not gonna spend more time for this

    Taehyung's ass February 8, 2025 1:20 pm

    Thank you for this; I don't think I would continue reading this lmao, though; I literally dropped it for a long time and just checked what happened now.

    SPICY BREAD February 8, 2025 2:16 pm

    So does Haewon still have feelings for Haeyoung in that arc? (Hope not)

    cassiopeia February 9, 2025 12:41 am
    So does Haewon still have feelings for Haeyoung in that arc? (Hope not) SPICY BREAD

    By what the commenter said it seems like he’s just far gone/brain washed. Stockholm syndrome. ㅠㅠ