I honestly find Zigril being jealous and possessive of Kay adorable I loveeee semes who are like that, but (raws and novel spoilers ahead) him being in denial everytime he's confronted about having feelings/being in love with Kay is so frustrating and harmful to their relationship.
Like later when Kay asked him, "do you like me?" his reply was no and that he was probably going to get tired of Kay soon. Are we surprised that it made Kay break down and not really give his heart to Zigril after that no matter what Zigril did for him? Helloooo why would Kay trust you enough to fall in love with you after saying that???
Not sure if it's just because the novel translation I read had some wonky parts, but to me the ending seemed like Kay just accepted his fate of being the mother of Zigril's child. He liked Zigril "enough", but I wouldn't call it love. Well, at least it's not a typical ending, I guess.
I honestly find Zigril being jealous and possessive of Kay adorable I loveeee semes who are like that, but (raws and novel spoilers ahead) him being in denial everytime he's confronted about having feelings/being in love with Kay is so frustrating and harmful to their relationship.
Like later when Kay asked him, "do you like me?" his reply was no and that he was probably going to get tired of Kay soon. Are we surprised that it made Kay break down and not really give his heart to Zigril after that no matter what Zigril did for him? Helloooo why would Kay trust you enough to fall in love with you after saying that???
Not sure if it's just because the novel translation I read had some wonky parts, but to me the ending seemed like Kay just accepted his fate of being the mother of Zigril's child. He liked Zigril "enough", but I wouldn't call it love. Well, at least it's not a typical ending, I guess.