i disagree with the chemistry lacking since some readers liken chemistry as them banging within 10 chapters or less, not that i assumed you're like that btw. just sayin', their current "chemistry" for me is the fact that they can push and pull each other but still have tension when it comes to their feelings since neither of them are currently doing anything to actually establish a solid relationship. then there's the fact that that they have other individual stuff going on so we didn't always get the interactions between them and if that distracted readers from how they actually feel for each other then i guess let the story run its course first. however i really don't think Zeo deserves all the hate, and saying he needs to grovel and whatnot. if anything, he's letting Rawon do whatever he wants. i don't know about others but i mostly recall Rawon being able to get away with being cheeky and he didn't minced his words when he was talking to Zeo who is his superior. then there was their "first time" after a photoshoot but they didn't really go all the way coz Zeo didn't want to put it in. before that Rawon asked him how far he was gonna go and Zeo replied with as far as Rawon will let him and as i recall they only did bj and facial that "first time". i couldn't understand why ppl are already hating Zeo when we barely have anything to go with to warrant hate other than he isn't pursuing Rawon as persistently as some want him to... then again it's not like Rawon is persistent either, push and pull like i said...
why are some ppl coming at Zeo as though he did some unforgivable things like certain tops in certain manhwas? for starters it's not like confessing straight up that he also likes Rawon is gonna magically solve some problems on his end. like, chill and let the story run. on the other hand, Rawon was merely forced to confess since his brother gave him an ultimatum regarding Zeo. before that he didn't even seem to want to pursue a serious relationship (actually this part goes for the both of them). he probably just wants to "end" his crush with a bang (pun intended) going in with a confession before he leaves during then we might see Zeo finally "grovel" as some say. but let's also not forget how Rawon's got spunk. he's not so delicate and fragile when it comes to Zeo. if it isn't already obvious, they match each other's freaks so well.