explanation for behavior is not excuse for behavior.
thats nice that you are making a real life comparison, but story narratives that follow morally flawed characters in a realistic manner, must also hold them accountable for their actions.
this is not that type of story, there will be no narrative consequence for caesars actions.
can i ask you what kind of punishment do you want Caesar to have?
Cause I think Leewon twiddling Caesar's conscience is the best way to punish him.
Caesar is a man of power, Leewon can't win against him in a trial and he will be dead even before the trial began. His father and the group is not capable nor willing to protect him to that extent.
Let's say Leewon miraculously win and Caesar goes to jail, with the way he was raised, his prison time is basically just a vacation.
Death penalty? the mf is already a suicidal. He doesn't care.
Torture? That's like Tuesday to him
The list could go on and on, but currently, he doesn't have any morals so almost anything is useless.
So again, the best thing to do is to introduce guilty conscience to him.
this is why explanation for behaviour is important in court, it's not about making excuses, it's about understanding the circumstances of the crime and determining the appropriate punishment.
and also, Leewon is not a damsel in distress, he's a willing victim. He often questioned his pride, which i think is ridiculous because he's a prideful man. He thinks he can fix Caesar and too stubborn to let go, even in times that he's suffering, the first thing that he thought is how would they would survive.
You shouldn't treat this story like Jinx or shits like that. I think the author really thought things through. It was always hinted that Caesar is a teachable character and Leewon is not a defenseless crybaby.
if this wasnt a dark romance, there wouldn't be be a happy ending for his character because his actions are irredeemable.
even if a character is suicidal, death could still potentially serve as a consequence for actions. repercussions are not controlled or influenced by what a character desires or feels, repercussions are simply logical results that follow actions.
so in order to get a happy romance ending, which isnt logical, dark romances have to sacrifice narrative integrity.
a guilty conscience is a concept that exists independently of consequences.
it doesnt matter how bad a character feels for doing an action, repercussions are still going to follow.
but dark romance authors often use the suffering and distress that comes from introducing a guilty conscience in place of an actual consequence/repercussion...
this is done so that the happy romance ending can be achieved.
from among dark romances, this is one of the better written ones in terms of narrative and dynamic, so i can give points to that, but going to such lengths to try to explain and defend a character thats really not meant to be that deep is kind of funny.
i tried not to make this too long, so i hope my perspective still makes sense.
the side stories were so beautifully written. They shown how hard love changes this two.
Readers who keep saying that Caesar doesn't change, read this.
Caesar's violent actions were unsurprising considering the way he grew up.
Yes he can use that as an excuse because
1) He didn't know shit
2) People treat him like a monster
He doesn't have any basic morals to the point that he doesn't even know that he didn't love his own self.
He is scared, he doesn't know what to do and everyone keeps triggering him.
on the other hand, Leewon is too stubborn and intelligent. He always underestimate everything.
He wouldn't listen to anyone once he's determined.
Caesar letting Leewon experience how he treats his fuck buddies might actually be the only way for Leewon would finally see how different they are in the romance department. And He does see it now.
Caesar is just scared that Leewon might replaced him. He's just trying to appeal to him that he treated other people significantly worst than the one he love, showing him that that all the things that he had shown, was all the love that he knows.
So when he asked him "I'm the one for you right?" He is begging with every feelings, right and wrong, that he has, because he doesn't know what to give.
I think that with Leewon's realization, he will now have the basis on how to navigate their relationship since Caesar is a willing student.