GIRL JUST ASK HIM WHATS WRONG OR SUMN FUCKING HELL like i can’t believe she’d rather f...

lee January 30, 2025 5:56 am

GIRL JUST ASK HIM WHATS WRONG OR SUMN FUCKING HELL like i can’t believe she’d rather find info through underground channels than attempt to have an open dialogue like let him know you care if he’s okay atleast holy shit it’s frustrating

    charlotte1357 February 27, 2025 9:34 am

    Ik! But the thing is, as she explained. Sometimes u just don't want to share what you're going through and prefer that nobody knows about it. It can be hard to open up and the fl have had an experience with that so she didn't want to impose and waited for when he's ready to tell her.

    lee February 27, 2025 8:47 pm
    Ik! But the thing is, as she explained. Sometimes u just don't want to share what you're going through and prefer that nobody knows about it. It can be hard to open up and the fl have had an experience with tha... charlotte1357

    yeah and i get that but im saying like it doesn’t even need to be a confrontation on her part just like vocalize that she cares for him regardless of what’s going on because that’s not getting him to talk abt anything really it’s just providing some sort of support without pressure