Evil Cycle Clarin is a YANDEREEEEEEEEE!!! Let's go!!!!! Also, I love that she trapped both...

arebg452 January 30, 2025 3:00 am

Evil Cycle Clarin is a YANDEREEEEEEEEE!!! Let's go!!!!!
Also, I love that she trapped both of them. The story often focuses on Clara's relationship with Iruma, but if anything I find her relationship with Azz more meaningful. Both Azz and Clara see Iruma with a certain level of deference despite their friendship, but they see each other in a much more equal ground as both friends and rivals for Iruma's attention. They've helped each other grow so much as characters that I love that Clara has gotten to the point that she treasures her relationship with Azz as much as she treasures her relationship with Iruma.
