i don’t get when some readers use this reason as an excuse for the bad writing… we don’t expect vanilla or a fuffy romance? we know it’s toxic and they’re supposed be bad for each other
the problem is the toxicity is done lazily. the author just threw in abuse and the tough love without trying to give their characters some depth and personality first. all we know about caesar is that he is traumatized, in the mafia, and obsesses over leewon. but WHY? the background and getting to know these characters by hearing their inner thoughts lets people understand them and why their love is this way. the toxic love needs to work for a reason and have some foundation. without important core context, the toxicity seems forced and extremely sloppy
Ha.. and you missed their point. Their not saying "don't make things toxic! Yucky ew!"
They are saying that the toxicity in this work currently is just lazily throwing abuse and r-word in the scenes without really understanding the reason of such toxicity.
What makes Caesar tick? obsessed? and down right deranged to do that to Lee? None of that POV's given to us except the child trauma that ONE chapter, yet the whole story is rooting with toxicity: shooting lee, and ofc Caesar r-wording him multiple times, consent is non-existent in yaoi atp.
And your right; it is toxic, nobody's complaining about that, but as off now it's not done well, it is toxic for the sake of being toxic. That is a valid complaint.
THANK U OMG? i literally bar for bar, said we know it’s toxic but it’s badly written... this story was not “too toxic” for me it was too shitty lol. ive read worse and they were so much better and actually executed complex characters; instead of relying on surface level trope ideas and sudden violent actions
i literally LOVE toxic and dark romance stories because of the deep complexities that can be explored and the fact that no one is actually being hurt. the philosophy of romance, obsession, desire, and more can be touched upon in many different ways that fiction can expand on! i know toxicity exists for a reason and that wasn’t even the issue like what . it should be toxic which is expected out of dark romance. but there’s a difference between good thought-out stories and lazy imitations that just use violence and porn to fill in the romance and lore gaps
Lol yea I agree, toxicity isn't per say my cup but damn are some of them good. I think a true, good, toxic work are those that doesn't need physical violence and have good phycological aspect as you said, it's a dark and bizarre experience, that's why people read dark romance and horror, it's scary and triggers our survival senses without putting us in danger. But usually plot's like roses and champagne feel like some pretty paint to cover up some messed up desires like non-con or thrown in cliches.
Also for anyone reading this and wants a bone to pick, I don't care, hate it, love it, separate your views about. Your opinions are yours and mine are mine, don't fight or especially be rude over yaoi manhwa lol, and have a good day!
exactly! my only gripe about this story is the writing itself and how some readers are stubborn about its flaws. i really agree and don’t care if people love this story and even the character or romance itself
but what i can’t stand is the “you can’t handle the toxic love, and wanted vanilla” lazy excuse. readers are disappointed with the story direction, the complaint has nothing to do with the bad romance!! it’s the about the toxic romance itself missing key, major details and background to make sense! from an objective standpoint the build up was terrible and relied too much on vague assumptions and leewons sudden biased pov to force their romance
I dun get it, the point of this is toxic love. Like wuh didyal expect? Friggin vanilla cinamon shit?