Mioro January 29, 2025 3:17 pm

did we switch mangas at ch4? Damn I thought I was never wrong but this rlly surprised me, since the way the relationship with his ex friend I got the vibes he was a bottom and Rio strike me as a top ever since the main story
Not complaining but honestly questioning myself for stereotyping them lol

Edit bc whaaat, I said that they switch mangas as a joke but why Ikeda rlly looks so different since they had sex? Like before he looked like a young kid that could totally be mistaken by a highschooler but now it looks like aged 5 years wth

    non January 29, 2025 4:27 pm

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so. Their personalities also seem to be completely different, and I couldn't get into the story because I couldn't get a handle on their characters.