I remember the time when i first discovered this website, i was completely amazed because of the wide expanse of manga/manhwa/hua/webtoon/western comics in here I could read in my free time. Among the iconic BLs I've tried to start reading, Ennead was one of those that piqued my interest. I dropped it kind-of-long-ago. Then it so happens I see it again, check it's progress by opening the latest chapter, and then Horus now showed his face? And Seth kinda seems a lil bit happy? It's been like 3-4 years alr and I feel like despite them reaching this part in the story, it progresses a bit slowly than I have expected. I wanna read the story when it's completed, but I'm not sure if I would still be interest by the time it would finish tho:(
I remember the time when i first discovered this website, i was completely amazed because of the wide expanse of manga/manhwa/hua/webtoon/western comics in here I could read in my free time. Among the iconic BLs I've tried to start reading, Ennead was one of those that piqued my interest. I dropped it kind-of-long-ago. Then it so happens I see it again, check it's progress by opening the latest chapter, and then Horus now showed his face? And Seth kinda seems a lil bit happy? It's been like 3-4 years alr and I feel like despite them reaching this part in the story, it progresses a bit slowly than I have expected. I wanna read the story when it's completed, but I'm not sure if I would still be interest by the time it would finish tho:(