does anyone have a comprehensive summary/chp breakdown of the timeline of events, cause I don't remember when what where they entered adulthood one chp im reading about them studying together and then getting in trouble together, and the next they're all working/applying for jobs and renting
I haven't reread it so I don't have the exact chapter references but I read somewhere that the timeline is...Present day (adults) ------ flashback (school arc/reason why they left) ----- back to present day (Ti... DeadLotus
cool, so we are back in present day where Tian is finally back and the gang is hanging out again ty
does anyone have a comprehensive summary/chp breakdown of the timeline of events, cause I don't remember when what where they entered adulthood one chp im reading about them studying together and then getting in trouble together, and the next they're all working/applying for jobs and renting