Okay I'm happy for them but why tf did they introduce that child only to neglect him the w...

Megirl6473 January 28, 2025 8:06 pm

Okay I'm happy for them but why tf did they introduce that child only to neglect him the whole story.

This couple love each other so much I genuinely don't think they would ever have a child irl.

Like I just felt bad the whole time levin is literally his mother she has spent more time with that baby than anyone else in the story.

    jaes snakes January 30, 2025 3:01 am

    literally? like i feel like charles was a plot device

    Megirl6473 January 30, 2025 7:58 pm
    literally? like i feel like charles was a plot device jaes snakes

    Yeah he was there so the story could end with them having a stereotypical happy ending.

    I think making sasha obsessive over Charles (not in that way) to be like the one family member he will never loose sacrificing sleep eating over Charles would have been an intresting way of further exploring the reason he even adopted him in the first place

    misterchan February 9, 2025 8:14 pm

    the child shows sasya’s guilt over his actions, something he never experienced with sending karel to prison (cuz he didn’t know). iirc he gave money to the baby’s mom that got her killed. sasya making a negative impact on someone’s life by doing smth, realizing and acknowledging this, and taking steps to resolve the issue, is something he never did with karel. sasya killed someone in self defense, was told to bury and deny the truth of his crime by karel and perhaps himself, and so things never resolved. yet he names the baby after his beloved. which brings me to another point the child is proof sasya loves karel despite karel’s doubt. the child isn’t there just so in the end they could have a happy ending

    the child is also another excuse for sasya to become better from his terrible mental state. like levin said saysa can’t just buy more opioid and smoke wherever and whenever he pleases. he has a dependent he is responsible, it’s not just him he needs to take care of. gives him a good chance to set his head correctly

    i think making sasya obsessed over charles is too different of sasya. man can barely take care of himself