Chapter 72 got me to drop this, bye

Bekcy January 28, 2025 7:44 pm

I stopped and started again few times, but the the fact that she reviled that this is the 3rd time AND she got a different soul just got me ti give it up.
I'm okay with some revelation, some details.
Another very good one I dropped because of it.

    convenience store customer January 29, 2025 12:38 am


    Bekcy January 29, 2025 10:23 am

    I just think it's ruins the plot to some extent.
    Especially when the MC or the suport characters take it in a way that changes the plot.
    For example, there was a very good story, don't remember the name about a king that was reincarnated as a new born baby(mybe even stil in the womb) and he felt guilty because he thinks he killed the original baby, with that i was still okay so some extent.

    But when he tells the parents I killed ypu child instead of just "I have memories from previous life" just ruined the story for me.

    When the original body dies and someone takes over and it's relayed in a good way that the storyline continues I'm okay with (kinda), but usually the story takes a turn i hate at that point.