Free content that's already available on official sites should not be uploaded elsewhere. Sharing it here adds no real value, especially since the official version is often heavily censored, and creators make it available for free on platforms like Webtoons. If you're truly a fan, you should support the creators by reading it in the proper place. Stop being lazy. You can create an account there for free the same way you did here.
Bruh, the irony of you trying to call me out while proudly admitting you're here to pirate because you're too lazy to use a free app is hilarious. At least I can acknowledge the problem instead of making excuses like ‘my convenience matters more than the creators.’ Stay mad. Just proves that children should not be on the internet if you can't "afford" free service.
the irony of you lecturing others while being on the same 'pirate' site is peak comedy. If you're so righteous, why not stick to that free app and stay off here? Congrats on 'acknowledging the problem' while contributing to it. The real clown move is pretending you're better than anyone else while doing the same thing. You're just salty because your moral high ground crumbles the moment you step foot here. Blocking me just proves you know you’re in the wrong and couldn’t handle the truth. Get off your soapbox, you’re not special—just another hypocrite trying to act superior.
Ah yeah, the sheer irony of people being too lazy to go to Webtoons and calling it "inconvenience" to read it for free when it’s literally available there. I never said don’t read illegally—I couldn’t care less. What pisses me off is when lazy bums still act like it’s "too much effort" to read it legally for free. I’m not acting superior, I’m just calling out the obvious—there’s no excuse for stealing from creators who actually deserve more credit and respect than you’re willing to give them. It’s a basic level of decency, not a moral high ground.
I'm sorry but the official's are literally available FOR FREE on WEBTOONS so why upload here?