I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! the author never disappoints. I heard from the comments that th...

Anonymous January 28, 2025 12:54 pm

I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! the author never disappoints. I heard from the comments that the author had written a story for the side couple and I absolutely don't plan on reading that. no amount of backstory can justify what they did here, but I do sympathize with them. I completely understand why they had to do that, but that doesn't mean its not wrong. its just sad that they had to resort to that. I wouldn't know how to act if I was put in Keigo's shoes tbh. both love and pain can make you do real stupid shit. anw, good plot 10/10 for me I'd definitely recommend this to others

    i hate harems January 30, 2025 7:57 am

    i completely agree. i read the side story, and i still can’t. i understand why they did it but there is just no way to justify it. things just ended wrong, anyways. he almost lost keigo, too.

    rubychin February 2, 2025 2:23 pm

    I think u should def read it! There wasnt really much connection to the main story from the side couple the whole story was just circled on how keigo was being hunted by his own organization and how he met masaki and its just as good as this one!

    In my own opinion, maji to inu was more of a spin off than a sequel since it had its own story.

    rubychin February 2, 2025 2:24 pm
    I think u should def read it! There wasnt really much connection to the main story from the side couple the whole story was just circled on how keigo was being hunted by his own organization and how he met masa... rubychin

    Majo no inu* lol i butchered that one

    Yuu08 February 19, 2025 4:37 am

    I think u should read it. However I actually don't understand why tf they would do that bc in the end they are acting like the ppl they hated??? U should def read tho in my opinion but if you hate them that badly then u don't need to

    Sour_Patch February 22, 2025 6:37 am

    Literally same he was gonna force that poor man who’s been hunted since childhood to have sex with his father and yeah he was desperate but holy shit it doesn’t matter how hot a character is we need boundaries and that’s mine ☠