this crazy fever dream smut fantasy is hilariously intentionally unintentional with its humor and im LIVING for it, the concept of all of them being STRICTLY the same person even tho they’re different owens too is a fantasy id never thought jd be so into(i want one)
And one things for sure, i did not mind it eventually leading up to a 6-some with all the other owens, except my favorite gotta be the soldier owen..if OG owen gets jealous of the other owens, I TAKE DIBS ON SCRUMPTIOUS MORENO OWEN PLS:333333, I can take one for the team:33333
But also i was assuming the same thing with the other comments’ guesses, about owen experiencing postpartum depression and its sad to think about him developing it yet also interesting to see since hes not human, while at the same time— it has to be the build up of his several attempts on going back into the past to start anew with nux, again even tho hes not human, you can only do so much until it chips off your sanity, assuming they still go thro it, well they did mention emotions so it implies that they are(asangards?) capable of experiencing it so it wouldnt be that far fetched for him to go through some sort of whiplash.
i jus want my babies to be happy tho BUT again if one owen gets pregnant? and gives out one child that basically has 4 selves, what does that mean when the other owens get pregnant tootheyre alrdy ten of them with just one owen……was what i thought while seeing handkerchief owen sulking about being able to get preg too, as i say again reading this all in one go rn is an absolute fever dream and an insane one at that, this crazy sex fantasy has appalled me and apparently im into that
Yeah the site's tricking me (what I meant the first time, wasn't blamin you hun) also is there acc a shadow in the top corner of your room Isekai-ed into ur bed
HELP IT WAS JUST RANDOM nah I have a shadow on my ceiling above my head and it freaks me the flip out that's why sitting in complete darkness is better (like rn)
HELP IT WAS JUST RANDOM nah I have a shadow on my ceiling above my head and it freaks me the flip out that's why sitting in complete darkness is better (like rn) Isekai-ed into ur bed
Damn is your house haunted or something and my bad for saying I’d make you choke on my cock i actually don’t have dick so yeah :|
Damn is your house haunted or something and my bad for saying I’d make you choke on my cock i actually don’t have dick so yeah :| Zombiegirl
Yeah I think my house is actually haunted cuz sometimes when my mum goes to the bathroom and thinks I'm calling her out but I'm nowhere near her oh I don't mind being told to choke on ur imaginary cock...
Yeah I think my house is actually haunted cuz sometimes when my mum goes to the bathroom and thinks I'm calling her out but I'm nowhere near her oh I don't mind being told to choke on ur imaginary cock... Isekai-ed into ur bed
You need to get that checked out like seriously, what would happen if it was a skin walker yk. Oh and your welcome to any time if you want :)
You need to get that checked out like seriously, what would happen if it was a skin walker yk. Oh and your welcome to any time if you want :) Zombiegirl
this crazy fever dream smut fantasy is hilariously intentionally unintentional with its humor and im LIVING for it, the concept of all of them being STRICTLY the same person even tho they’re different owens too is a fantasy id never thought jd be so into(i want one)
And one things for sure, i did not mind it eventually leading up to a 6-some with all the other owens, except my favorite gotta be the soldier owen..if OG owen gets jealous of the other owens, I TAKE DIBS ON SCRUMPTIOUS MORENO OWEN PLS:333333, I can take one for the team:33333
But also i was assuming the same thing with the other comments’ guesses, about owen experiencing postpartum depression and its sad to think about him developing it yet also interesting to see since hes not human, while at the same time— it has to be the build up of his several attempts on going back into the past to start anew with nux, again even tho hes not human, you can only do so much until it chips off your sanity, assuming they still go thro it, well they did mention emotions so it implies that they are(asangards?) capable of experiencing it so it wouldnt be that far fetched for him to go through some sort of whiplash.
i jus want my babies to be happy tho BUT again if one owen gets pregnant? and gives out one child that basically has 4 selves, what does that mean when the other owens get pregnant tootheyre alrdy ten of them with just one owen……was what i thought while seeing handkerchief owen sulking about being able to get preg too, as i say again reading this all in one go rn is an absolute fever dream and an insane one at that, this crazy sex fantasy has appalled me and apparently im into that