Well good for you, if it makes you feel better. I know it sucks to invest so many years in a manga that disappoints you at some point.. I honestly don't know what to expect from this either but I'm still holding on. Honestly I don't mind sick twists in fictional stuff so I guess I'm fine with whatever as long as no one dies or gets hurt or gets cheated on lol

Well i know about this being shota but honestly i always expected and hoped for a wholesome (for me) conclusion. And i agree, as long as its fictional it s ok for me too. I just had to share my thoughts after all these years i bottled up. Thanks for reading and i don t blame sensei for how she conducts her manga. Just my feelings and opinions about as one of the audience. Peace and respect y'all. Stay safe and sane.
chapters i guess the author wont bless us with a grown up tsubaki. Dropped this a long time ago, just coming back to check if there is any progress. But i lost hope, damn. This could be good "for me" if this wasn't dragged that much... I dont care about the audience's fight about "pedo or not" but at some point it felt weird i gotta admit. So i followed everyone's advice and dropped this instead of complaining but I still have a slight hope for a proper conclusion. But it doesn't seem on the horizon. I guess i should come back 2 years later. Pooof, it's so hard to stay away from this manga but sometimes the author pushes the limits in my opinion. Yeah i guess i should've stayed away and kept silent but damn i just wanna blurt these out after all these years i gave to this manga. Thank you for reading if you read this until up here and be mercifull when you leash me for my blabberings.