I feel nothing but absolute hatred towards DULAN even I feel frustrated like the mc all that all that for what for DULAN to ruin absolutely everything all he F*CKINg had to do was tell her the truth what's the absolute point to keep her away from the truth damn everything so annoying frustrating because all your work just for it to reset
I all of this for what DULAN U SON OF A B*YCH YOU'RE ENJOYING THIS A'RENT U I'LL BE GLAD TO TORTURE THE HELL OUT YOU, WHAT SO HARD TO TELL THE FLIPPING TRUTH YOU B*CHT I WILL CUT U UP AND FEED YOU TO THE WOLFS ALL I WANTED WAS A HAPPY ENDING FOR THEM AND YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!! Honestly I loved this manhwa truthfully not I single chapter bored me this was a freshly new manhwa that's not like the other same generated same plot manhwa I enjoyed this. BUT YOU DULAN F'CK YOU YOU YOU B*TCH ASS MOTHER F*CKER