Manhwa Fathers be capping.

Watcher January 27, 2025 8:48 am

I'll never understand bad manhwa fathers being portrayed as pitiful and being forgiven like this. Like, the facts and his narrative don't line up.

So FL's father says he never abandoned her mom, and loved her, and looked for her for the past 10 years...

AND YET he has another daughter the exact same age as her. He got TWO women pregnant in the SAME year.

So, you loved and looked for her mom, whilst having relations and a legitimate marriage with another woman.

Tbh if this is the case, then the redhead stepmom was in the right for discarding the letters sent by FL's mom, cuz as the legal wife, if she wants to throw away letters sent to her husband that say "I want to get back together" from another woman, she can.

If the father was actually sincere to either women, he would've decided on ONE, not trying to juggle his relations with both.
