Why does new bl manhwa so toxic i miss the 2018-2020 era
Omg fr I was going through my lists tdy and I just realized how all the good ones were from years ago sucks when u already read most of the masterpieces
literally, 2020 had the best run
I blame Bj Alex from popularity the toxicity
All of that was shota bruh, there was still lots of rape too, I don’t like any of the yaoi eras
Also is it just me or has there not been a lot, if not ANY good new shounen ais??? Like were they at? Whys it all yaoi??
Idk where u been but BL always had toxic stories
Right like the not toxic ones are called shounen ai… theres always toxic ones bc they are the popular
merry marbling is right there
Key word “new”, I have read that one.
Why does new bl manhwa so toxic i miss the 2018-2020 era