I used to be like that in middle school >< now i learned not to be rude about it but man sometimes i cant controll it and if pple with a strong odor get too close i throw up so embarrassing T^T idk if its a curse or a blessing but luckily didnt really came in contact with pple in the past 3 years, probably worse now ╥﹏╥

I don't like to go out honestly, I don't throw up (thank goodness) but I get really dizzy and have big migraines bc of the smells, it's really helpful when cooking but in the daily life is horror, meeting ppl and smelling strange shet only to hear "really? I can't smell anything" hOW LUCKY OF YOU WHO CAN'T SMELL IT

Truee omgg ToT im always so envyy. Seriously cooking is so nice (when stuff are freshh and smell good) . Mann u so luckyy but yeah migraines arent a good trade to throwing up xD god id wish there would be a medicine for that that i could take, i seriously started smokng cause it nullify it a bit(but also senese of taste) and whenever i go out i need to take some meds to keep the food in my stomach>< god i wish there was a pill i could take that would lower my sence of scent by half i would be the happiest human alive
Like i have the same problem with scents its a miracle he can keep up xD