what I don't get is traditional (especially asian) parents doting on the boys.. her past b...

tati January 26, 2025 5:15 pm

what I don't get is traditional (especially asian) parents doting on the boys.. her past brothers probably left that granny alone on her deathbed

    Dr-Erotica January 26, 2025 7:36 pm

    Its really weird like are you not a girl yourself? If all you want is boys then there's no one else to marry, what u want them to kiss each other if all birthed children will be boys?

    Darkhikari January 26, 2025 11:13 pm

    I have Asians friends in her family guys are considered like kings. And girls almost like hers slaves....I think it's a cultural thing so can't speak of it....

    tati January 27, 2025 12:07 am
    I have Asians friends in her family guys are considered like kings. And girls almost like hers slaves....I think it's a cultural thing so can't speak of it.... Darkhikari

    I'm asian myself but luckily it wasn't like that on my mom's side. But I have an older sister who married into an asian family and she had to cancel a trip just to take care her of her MIL, and got yelled at for hours because she planned a trip (which was before the MIL got sick). Really depends on the family, but asian in laws can suck more than asian relatives, like it's their job to be a hater to their daughter in laws.

    zdynamight January 27, 2025 5:17 am

    most of asia has very much a misogynistic patriarchal view on society. in fact, a large portion of orphaned children in asia are female. i think the idea is that you take good care of the men so they take care of you when you’re unable to (financially, i mean). while women are expected to be caregivers, as it is their “duty”

    N. Hako January 27, 2025 10:21 am

    I’m asain (half thai/chinese) and while in thailand it’s not so bad, but in china they have a large population so they developed a mind set that a son is better than a daughter. Because sons will have more work opportunities, inherited their surname, will stays with the family no matter what. While a girl will eventually get married and leave the house, abandoned their surname and become a housewife. Also, a wife who give birth to sons will get better treatment from the in-laws too. So having daughter becomes something shameful for them.

    Korean and Taiwan also got influenced by the same culture. It has been this way for many hundreds years and has recently got a bit better.