Dom/Sub universe

Sekkin January 26, 2025 2:18 pm

This is the first manga where I find out a dom/Sub universe exists. I understand why omegaverse exists and I enjoyed this dom/sub manga but I don't why there even is such a universe like all the explanations I read are not far off from reality, they could have made the same story without the whole universe things. Nothing would have changed so I think it's kinda useless to include a whole universe for this thing that already exists

    BlueberryWolf January 27, 2025 5:38 am

    I mean anything can happen in fiction. These things come mainly from fanfiction and the like. I remember when omegaverse wasn't a thing yet and I remember seeing things with mc being intersex or alpha and omega wolf things a lot. I guess someone put them together created the whole omegaverse thing and community run with it.

    I think the main thing in dom/sub verse is that it's making the whole thing with bdsm more approachable for certain people when it has been recognised and accepted by most of the world as normal in stories, than dirty little secret in people's lives it usually is, in real world. And honestly most of the bdsm stories I have read bring different side of bdsm to life. Mostly kinky sex. Dom/sub verse is little more than that.

    And honestly there are many tropes in fandom that people like and if many people like them people will make more stories like that. At this point I have stopped wondering about strange things in manga and accepted that most people won't care about these things. People are weird and like strange things, period. And that's okay.

    BlueberryWolf January 27, 2025 5:47 am
    I mean anything can happen in fiction. These things come mainly from fanfiction and the like. I remember when omegaverse wasn't a thing yet and I remember seeing things with mc being intersex or alpha and omega... BlueberryWolf

    And to add my long ass comment dom/sub verse is focusing more in whole dominance aspect of bdsm than it as whole, even if other parts are important parts of it.

    Sekkin January 27, 2025 5:10 pm

    That's true, thanks for commenting the long explanations lol :D
    I guess I'm just put off by the dom thing cause I can't seem to understand/like how people like to be degenerated or get turned on by commands. I mean I understand omegaverse on the "pheromone" thing and mainly because it enables pregnancy for men which I find interesting and nice to have gay couples be able to birth children that looks like them but dom/sub welp It's nice if u like it and the story was okayish but like I said I was put off on hoe perverted it seemed to me >.<

    BlueberryWolf January 27, 2025 11:29 pm
    That's true, thanks for commenting the long explanations lol :DI guess I'm just put off by the dom thing cause I can't seem to understand/like how people like to be degenerated or get turned on by commands. I m... Sekkin

    Thanks for nice reply. Internet has basically corrupted me. There is just so many things you can read and have many thoughts about. I like to read and watch various generes and at this point I have read so many things just out of curiosity. I'm the type of person who will read some story where someone says something about some disease and and later I notice I have spent an our looking into some random as disease. But because of curiosity you learn lot of things. I'm not an expert of these things but I'd like to think I understand at least something. Take what I told as grain of salt.

    I think this whole sub/dom thing is about control. There are stories that I have read that have gone deep into why people like these things and there may be lots of reasons why. One story that I read long long time ago explained it well. And I think I can sum it as giving up control or having control of someone or their life and having someone to take care of you or to take care of someone. I mean every body wants their partner to take care of them even in normal relationship. Life can be hard for some people for various reasons, you have to make money to pay bills, some people may have hard or extremely demanding job so to wind down you want someone to take care of all demanding things in your life and just do simple things that doesn't always require lot of thought. It doesn't even have to be sexual. I think culture may be major thing in this case japanese society is extremely demanding of their people so that may be a factor at least in some cases.

    I think in one story I read the mc was homeless from young age for long time so he had to always do everything for himself. I think he became live in sub in story at the beginning for most time that meant the dom took care of every aspect of his life so he didn't have to always think about survival.

    I'm not sure if that made any sense but I'm stopping here before I say something stupid or incorrect. I probably already have because english isn't my first language and I'm not sure if I explained these things clearly. Oh well...and I'd be here whole day and night if I try to explain whole plot of extremely long fanfic I read years ago. Thanks for listening my ramblings I hope they may have bought you some insight about these things.

    Nefi February 11, 2025 3:53 am

    as someone who loves dom/subverse, i have Thoughts about this! if ur not already into bdsm, it makes sense that u don't rly get it, and that's okay. but like.... the whole premise is bdsm so u gotta read everything else i say with that baseline.

    1. for me, bdsm is pretty much the *only* way i can get interested in sex, so having a universe where being a sub or dom is a biological fact just.... feels right. it's fiction, but at the same time it's an accurate representation of my emotional reality.

    2. i think the other reply got part of this too, ppl who're into bdsm feel like it's a big dirty secret they have to hide from friends + family. a lot of ppl have to find play partners thru secret clubs where no one uses their real name, bc being found out could make u lose ur job, disowned by family, etc. dom/subverse lets ppl live in a fantasy world where being your true self is normal and accepted, and finding compatible partners is easy-ish. isn't that what we all want? gay, straight, bi, kinky, vanilla that's the ultimate fantasy haha