There is so much to like!

jasmine_aoi January 26, 2025 10:30 am

His carefree personality, but still a decent adult!

I m liking all the kids! I hope no bad ending happen

Two transmigrators! Flame is also pretty objective. A decent adult! It's too bad they cant exchange identities. But srsly, the headcanon she made. That was amazing, i love it hahahha. Even i would i cry.

The scene where flame and him met in the hallway lmaoo. The way they both crosses hands at the same time, admit it. You guys ARE old man & old woman.

Eisel is precious. I hope she can be relieved from the past. Idk how the revenge will go. I hope it wont be too bad.

I dont like the blonde crown prince. Fuck off. It's worrying that he has his eyes on flame. Thpugh i think it's better than eisel? Angel? Flame is an adult, and she has the novel. Smack the korean training into him flame!

Ma yuseong, i thought you are psychopath. But youre actually pretty cute too haha

I hope mc got all the friends he can cherished with

Im shipping him with flame. I feel like they would be very professional in dating lol.
