Good uncle!! Also..I mean..let's just destroy the temple, seriously I'm so fucking tired o...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream January 26, 2025 2:59 am

Good uncle!! Also..I mean..let's just destroy the temple, seriously I'm so fucking tired of all these stories having the same plot, just break everything, save the day and finally focus on the fuckig romance and good family vibes, sigh, will they ever be a historical manhwa with actual romance that doesn't start with tragedy first? Or isn't filled with drama, all the drama always has such obvious answers, even IRL I can get solutions so fucking easily, that's it, I don't want to read anything boring like this anymore, it's frustrating, always the same "problem" that has billions of easy peasy solutions but they refuse to make it cause of some plot that they can't tweak apparenrly? The author should be able to do everything tho, sigh. Tired of this already, give me the good nice easy stories, where smart characters find solutions instead of bringing in more troubles and adding onto the "problems" tsk. (Not directed at this, just the temple "arc" let's say, haa again, how many times has it been already? How many many was, shoujo, shonen, seinen, jousei combined!!)
