Bro I thought this would be cute and the manhwa is acting like it is cute but no, no it's ...

Slytherinlarrie January 26, 2025 1:22 am

Bro I thought this would be cute and the manhwa is acting like it is cute but no, no it's not, esper spent two years calling him over daily while being an asshole to him, now just cause he lost memories, mc's feelings about how he used to treat him are invalid just cause he doesn't remember? And now esper is suddenly in love with him for no reason at all, and the entirety of it is esper guilt tripping, suicide threatening and puppy dog eye-ing him into sex and stuff against mc's will
But it's made as iff once they start later mc likes it and "only resists cause he's scared of what ml will do once he recovers old memories of hating him" but it doesn't change the fact that he keeps saying no and ml keeps disrespecting the "no", didn't even give a shit about sex hurting mc, like what the hell, mc is manipulated left and right

    Slytherinlarrie January 27, 2025 6:35 am

    Anyway does anyone have a link to the novel and also what chapter to continue from ?