That blue haired dude was insane frfr, thats the INTERESTING idea he have for dealing with those peps? Anyway lowkey scared for our boy, like who should he trust? The demon duke or the admin? Is the flower god or bad for him???Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
IKR?!?! I was so scared for him howeverrrr I honestly think the flower is a better option than having the administrator toying with him. But seriously, that Baek Ha guy is a psycho with such an innocent face. I won’t be fooled twice ( ̄∇ ̄")
That blue haired dude was insane frfr, thats the INTERESTING idea he have for dealing with those peps? Anyway lowkey scared for our boy, like who should he trust? The demon duke or the admin? Is the flower god or bad for him???Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)