AUUUGGHHHH!!! Annette you're killing me- from the time you spent together, you didn't even ask about him... And Heiner, you should been more open to her if you wanted to be together till death. I know you're both victims, but please where is the talking, where is the consensus of getting to know each other little by little throughout those years you spent together... The miscommunication is next level, ya'll I can't-- AAAAaaaa-.
Why would she ask tho? When she did ask in the past he told her to just be a pretty flower and not ask questions.... But then he would criticize her for being ignorant... All their marriage he abused psycologically over and over...
AUUUGGHHHH!!! Annette you're killing me- from the time you spent together, you didn't even ask about him... And Heiner, you should been more open to her if you wanted to be together till death. I know you're both victims, but please where is the talking, where is the consensus of getting to know each other little by little throughout those years you spent together... The miscommunication is next level, ya'll I can't-- AAAAaaaa-.