lmfao what ru mfs talking abt blaming ANYONE but the actual bully it’s hilarious omg lik...

zy5knn January 25, 2025 2:38 pm

lmfao what ru mfs talking abt blaming ANYONE but the actual bully it’s hilarious omg like yes mc objectively a shitty person but why ru pushing this bullying thing on to him like??? “well he got involved which made junwoo bully him harder so it’s his fault” IS IT NOT JUNWOOS FAULT??? FOR BEATING PPL UP??? n i guarantee junwoo would’ve continued to beat taesang if mc didnt gaf bc he only stopped after mc made him realize that bullying wasn’t the way to go

    son of thors January 26, 2025 3:59 am

    People mostly just wanna play hero by pointing fingers, ah yes avoid the main factor that's responsible by pushing that responsibility onto other people. I hope they don't act like this in real life

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 5:18 am

    Girl the main character isn’t the bully of course it’s the bully’s fault but we’re talking about the story here???

    zy5knn January 26, 2025 6:06 am
    Girl the main character isn’t the bully of course it’s the bully’s fault but we’re talking about the story here??? SIOPRO

    i don’t even know what ur going on abt idk if u need a refresher but taesang didn’t get bullied bc of mc he got bullied bc junwoo “liked” him basically junwoo is bullying taesang to get his attention… that’s why mc is so jealous he knows that junwoo has some type of feelings for taesang

    ofc mc stepping in did make it worse for example, in chap 9 him going to the storage room probably made junwoo more angry at taesang but still it’s not mcs fault bc how was he supposed to know who gave him the note? he also resolved the bullying??? mc is literally the reason why junwoo stopped bullying taesang… they made a whole promise

    yes he’s not defending taesang with good intentions but at the end of the day have u ever seen him outwardly be mean to taesang? ofc u haven’t bc he’s only been thinking horrible things INSIDE HIS HEAD even when these bad thoughts do escape his head (mc telling him to transfer schools) it’s always said in a “nice” way, a tone where taesang doesn’t feel small, if this wasn’t the truth then taesang would be nowhere near mc

    also idk why in ur other comment ur glazing yohan n saying mc isnt human when in the story yohan is legit a bystander who doesn’t gaf abt the bullying but laughs it off with mc.. whenever he “steps in” he acts like it’s a joke like ru forgetting that yohan is also still good friends w junwoo even after he started beating taesang? yohan is no saint either

    honestly if ur gonna hate mc (rightfully) for having shitty thoughts n not wanting to be taesangs friend at least act the same way w yohan who ignores it on purpose id rather fake righteousness in front of severe bullying than nothing but ignorance bc at least mc is doing smth

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 6:13 am
    i don’t even know what ur going on abt idk if u need a refresher but taesang didn’t get bullied bc of mc he got bullied bc junwoo “liked” him basically junwoo is bullying taesang to get his attention…... zy5knn

    Oh great you’ve brought up Yohan. Yohan shouldn’t even involve himself in the bullying? Was he at fault for anything? Did he create the ruckus?
    I knew you’d bring him up. But Yohan could have helped but he didn’t, it didn’t matter either way.

    My problem is w mc.
    It is not the janitor room incident that made me despise him. You missed the point entirely.
    His thoughts are bad, that is my point. You seem to bring it up and let it go as if that wasn’t my point???? Girl???? It’s not just his actions??? You’re literally saying he doesn’t have good intentions with the other guy????? I’m sorry but that is enough reason. Not only that, as I said, he is somewhat involved, and since he is, and he CANNOT BACK AWAY (if he had I wouldn’t have minded it too much) shouldn’t he do more? He should. He could. He didn’t. So TO ME he isn’t a nice character. To me he is morally grey. What is it that you don’t get about it?

    zy5knn January 26, 2025 6:30 am
    Oh great you’ve brought up Yohan. Yohan shouldn’t even involve himself in the bullying? Was he at fault for anything? Did he create the ruckus?I knew you’d bring him up. But Yohan could have helped but he... SIOPRO

    no that’s ur problem bc in ur og comment u put the blame on mc completely n disregarded the actual bully like yeah mc got involved so he should stick to what he’s fighting for but he alrdy achieved that?? he got junwoo to “promise” to not bully taesang anymore?? and he’s seen him not push taesang around w his own eyes like tell me what else do u exactly want him to do in this situation???

    n w his thoughts like?? i skipped over him having horrible thoughts bc how do his thoughts make taesang get bullied? is everyone a mind reader?? also, mc is aware that he’s a bad person, why else would he be shown to admit himself a person who acts for others if he wasn’t?? he’s purposely to clinging to yohan so he can swiftly move past all of this without ppl recognizing who he rlly is

    lastly, i brought up yohan to show how ur picking n choosing characters to dislike and like btw.. yohan is just as morally grey as mc but u chose to say “he should leave this twink,” a statement that hints at how u believe yohan is better than mc when he’s rlly not

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 6:49 am
    no that’s ur problem bc in ur og comment u put the blame on mc completely n disregarded the actual bully like yeah mc got involved so he should stick to what he’s fighting for but he alrdy achieved that?? h... zy5knn

    Nobody is better than anybody. All characters are either morally grey or bad except for the victim here. I prefer Yohan and will prefer Yohan because he knows how to distance himself, which the mc could’ve done but didn’t so no I don’t like him

    And I think you’re actually completely disregarding the fact that I’m talking about MC. The bully is an asshole and it’s a fact and it will remain a fact. He’s the main root cause. Everyone knows that? Why would I need to point it out again? I’m pointing out what would have made the mc a better character imo.

    Gosh. This doesn’t need an argument.

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 6:50 am
    no that’s ur problem bc in ur og comment u put the blame on mc completely n disregarded the actual bully like yeah mc got involved so he should stick to what he’s fighting for but he alrdy achieved that?? h... zy5knn

    “How do thoughts make taesen get bullied”

    You really did not read anything I wrote…

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 6:50 am
    no that’s ur problem bc in ur og comment u put the blame on mc completely n disregarded the actual bully like yeah mc got involved so he should stick to what he’s fighting for but he alrdy achieved that?? h... zy5knn

    Also he made the promise much later btw. My point still stands?

    son of thors January 26, 2025 10:38 am
    Oh great you’ve brought up Yohan. Yohan shouldn’t even involve himself in the bullying? Was he at fault for anything? Did he create the ruckus?I knew you’d bring him up. But Yohan could have helped but he... SIOPRO

    Not denying the main character is an asshole (although that's probably what makes him so raw, because he has shitty thoughts that he's not proud of and would never publicly show just like every human being)

    but I don't get what does his shitty thoughts have to do with Taesan getting bullied.. he cannot control that guy's actions. Weather he interrupted the bullying or left it alone, the outcome in the end was always the same. Even if his reasoning for stepping in for the first place wasn't righteous by any means, this has almost no current affect on Taesan who doesn't know anything

    The main character doesn't have to be playing hero (like every other generic main character) to be inherently well written. More likable? maybe. But to be honest he's not even that bad. Action wise he doesn't hurt anyone, inside his head where he's alone in his thoughts, yeah he might be an asshole but at the end of the day he's literally not harming anyone (he's hurting himself more than anyone and is self aware of it )

    I can get he rubs people the wrong way but in my honest opinion, he's literally just a guy. A person who's just living life, a people pleaser with selfish, shitty inner thoughts like pretty much everyone else

    son of thors January 26, 2025 10:47 am

    It's not a story for everyone but to be honest I'm actually quite enjoying it because like I said, a character doesn't have be inherently good natured to be well written. If every character was then was then we would be missing out on some of the best media ever made.
    I hate when people say "well if you don't like it, just don't read it" because that gets rid of any room for critics, but I feel like in this case it really just feels like it's not gonna be everyone's taste and that's completely fine

    Panda January 26, 2025 10:54 am
    Nobody is better than anybody. All characters are either morally grey or bad except for the victim here. I prefer Yohan and will prefer Yohan because he knows how to distance himself, which the mc could’ve do... SIOPRO

    Of course Yohan distanced himself towards Taesan and Junwoo(if they were what you're referring to or the bullying) because he didn't care about them. If you can't tell, Yohan has feelings for MC, and only intervenes when Junwoo gets angry at MC for defending Taesan. So of course regarding the "love" part, you're wrong at saying that Yohan distanced himself unlike the MC. As you can see, he's been acting up close with the MC since he likes him. Same as to how MC attempts to get more of Junwoo's attention.
    And why are you even wanting MC to become a better character at this point? Dude, we are still at chapter 10. Obviously, as the story progresses, everything will change for the better or worse depending on fututre outcome. Ever heard of character growth? And of gradual change?

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 1:30 pm
    Not denying the main character is an asshole (although that's probably what makes him so raw, because he has shitty thoughts that he's not proud of and would never publicly show just like every human being)but ... son of thors

    The last paragraph. Thank you, that is my point?

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 2:24 pm
    Of course Yohan distanced himself towards Taesan and Junwoo(if they were what you're referring to or the bullying) because he didn't care about them. If you can't tell, Yohan has feelings for MC, and only inter... Panda

    Are you joking me? Have you seen that I am against this or some shit girl this is a yaoi, and i don’t mind if he’s an asshole or shit because I want to see what happens between Yohan and him. I simply pointed out the obviously morally grey character mc is and people seem mad

    It’s called having an opinion sorry

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 2:28 pm
    Not denying the main character is an asshole (although that's probably what makes him so raw, because he has shitty thoughts that he's not proud of and would never publicly show just like every human being)but ... son of thors

    Honestly I could prove every point you have said here wrong, but as embarrassing as it is, this is a YAOI. you’re not great and all that for trying to understand a “complex character” ( this isn’t even complex hes just not a nice person LMFAOOOOO yet)
    My opinion and my point REMAINS.
    He might not have HURT anybody, but he let somebody get hurt.
    Am I complaining? No
    I only pointed it out. Why are you all pretending as if he’s a great character? Why are you guys getting defensive when I point out he IS NOT?
    This isn’t about playing hero BUT SHOWING MORALS btw

    “Oh he only has shitty thoughts it’s okay!”
    It actually is
    But why are we ignoring that?
    Accept that he’s a morally grey character GODDAMN y’all

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 2:29 pm
    Not denying the main character is an asshole (although that's probably what makes him so raw, because he has shitty thoughts that he's not proud of and would never publicly show just like every human being)but ... son of thors

    And let’s not even get into the bullying I’ve clearly stated how the bullying doesn’t really affect him but his actions could have

    zy5knn January 26, 2025 2:39 pm
    Nobody is better than anybody. All characters are either morally grey or bad except for the victim here. I prefer Yohan and will prefer Yohan because he knows how to distance himself, which the mc could’ve do... SIOPRO

    i never denied that mc wasn’t a bad person?? yes he’s also a morally grey character and acts like a regular dude w shitty thoughts?? i was trying saying how none of the initial bullying was his fault… ur og comment promptly says “First of all, short black haired guy was getting bullied only because of the mc btw,” which is just not true?

    dude i don’t know why u keep bringing up “oh im talking abt mc because he’s the main character!” ur allowed to bring up other characters junwoo is an important part of the story so idk why u keep saying how ur only talking abt how mc acts bc he’s the main character?? and “im pointing out what would make mc a better character” u keep contradicting urself bc… everyone also knows mcs a shitty person?? that’s a fact as well? everyone knows him being genuinely nice would make him a good person???? ur talking about it as if everyone’s unaware of this fact when the entire story is revolved around him being a horrible person u say ur not gonna say smth abt junwoo bcs it’s a fact that everyone knows but then turn around and say things abt mc when those r also facts about him that everyone knows

    i understand where ur trying to get at where u think mc should’ve tried harder to pull taesang away bc he got involved, yohan is not any better because he “distanced himself” ur entire point crumbles even when it’s true that mc is a bad person bc when u put two characters, who are inherently the same in terms of how “good” and “bad” they are and try to lift one up while bringing the other down

    on another note, yohan distancing himself wasn’t with good intentions either, just like how mc got involved without good intentions, yohan doesn’t care for taesang and his situation, that’s why he’s able to leave it alone

    i seriously hope u don’t think turning away from bullying is better than getting involved bc to me that’s what it looks like right now

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 3:22 pm
    i never denied that mc wasn’t a bad person?? yes he’s also a morally grey character and acts like a regular dude w shitty thoughts?? i was trying saying how none of the initial bullying was his fault… ur... zy5knn

    Girl why are you bringing up other characters are you fucking dumb

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 3:22 pm
    i never denied that mc wasn’t a bad person?? yes he’s also a morally grey character and acts like a regular dude w shitty thoughts?? i was trying saying how none of the initial bullying was his fault… ur... zy5knn

    “Idk why you’re bringing up the mc” ion give a fuck about the other characters except victim and mc girl and the entire speech was about him. WHY should I bring up other characters when I don’t have anything to say against them??

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 3:24 pm
    i never denied that mc wasn’t a bad person?? yes he’s also a morally grey character and acts like a regular dude w shitty thoughts?? i was trying saying how none of the initial bullying was his fault… ur... zy5knn

    And if you agree then say that and stop replying, because clearly you’re looking for an argument, and I’m a person with a life outside of mangago it’s as embarrassing as it is that you lack comprehension skills here let’s not just get more embarrassing

    SIOPRO January 26, 2025 3:26 pm
    i never denied that mc wasn’t a bad person?? yes he’s also a morally grey character and acts like a regular dude w shitty thoughts?? i was trying saying how none of the initial bullying was his fault… ur... zy5knn

    “You’re contradicting yourself”

    Prove it

    Prove how I contradicted myself.
    I said “mc is not a likeable character”
    That was it
    That was the post

    Do you feel pathetic enough?
    And what’s even more funny is that you admit it and then go on talking absolute trash because tell me how your second paragraph make ANY sense to what I said? “Everybody knows and I know too”
    Yet here we are
