If they’re gonna be like this, give me the next few chapters already coz wtf is this? I can deal with a slow burn manhua be it angsty or fluffy but I can’t deal with a slow burn fluffy story suddenly turned angsty like someone who got bipolar disorder.
This feels like the author not planning the story to go well and the ending was supposed to be when they got together plus a few wholesome side chapters but the story ended up doing so well it calls for an unplanned extension to rake in more money...
If they’re gonna be like this, give me the next few chapters already coz wtf is this? I can deal with a slow burn manhua be it angsty or fluffy but I can’t deal with a slow burn fluffy story suddenly turned angsty like someone who got bipolar disorder.
This feels like the author not planning the story to go well and the ending was supposed to be when they got together plus a few wholesome side chapters but the story ended up doing so well it calls for an unplanned extension to rake in more money...