Jeje May 5, 2017 2:18 am

My friend from high school raised in strict family, her father was governoor in my province and she came out lesbian. Her family start to lock her up in home and didn't allow her go outside school and violin lesson. Her dad want her to be politician. In the third year she run away from home. Yesterday, 6year later, i find booklet she will hold a painting exibition in our capital city. I knew she like drawing but i never imagine she will be this success after get her freedom. It amazing.

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 30, 2017 2:45 am

    That is an amazing and inspirational story. I bet if you were to write her a letter and let her know how it made you feel when you saw the exhibition brochure and knew she was making a success for herself, she would feel very happy.

    Jeje June 30, 2017 3:14 am

    Hahaha we've met. I work (internship) now in the same area with her exhibition and come to see. At first i dont get in though because the ticket are pricey and i'm broke. But then i talk to the receptionist that she was my friend and she come to see me and let me in. I dont know art since i'm engineer but i have my fave painting of her, the sunflower painting

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 30, 2017 5:10 am
    Hahaha we've met. I work (internship) now in the same area with her exhibition and come to see. At first i dont get in though because the ticket are pricey and i'm broke. But then i talk to the receptionist tha... Jeje

    It sounds like she wasn't the only success story.

    But to have that many obstacles blocking her ....

    Jeje June 30, 2017 1:01 pm

    Ofc it's not. We come from ultra conservative country which still think 25yo unmarried woman bring shame to the family bcs that's mean no man like her and want her to be his wife. Just imagine being a gay in that kind of society.

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 30, 2017 5:28 pm

    Jeje, I can't imagine living under so much familial and social (and legal?) constriction. I am one of the older people who reads manga on this site, and if my parents had treated me like the doctor treated his son in this story, I would've laughed at them and pursued my path regardless. Or, if they had gotten violent, I had the freedom to contact a social services network to be removed from home and, either fostered, or placed in a group home situation with adult supervisors who would've supported me to pursue a career, although probably not an arts related one. I know a lot of children in my country who would read this story and felt puzzled, more than anything. When you are raised with freedom of choice and opportunities for social mobility, a plot like this and characters like these seem very melodramatic and on the verge of farfetched. Not to say that everyone in my country has the same freedom, but it is still rare to find this sort of authoritarianism.

    Jeje July 1, 2017 2:41 am
    Jeje, I can't imagine living under so much familial and social (and legal?) constriction. I am one of the older people who reads manga on this site, and if my parents had treated me like the doctor treated his ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Well, good for you, i guess? Bcs this kind of story happen everywhere tho in my place. That is why i wrote as 'relatable'.

    I Thot You Was a Toad July 1, 2017 2:58 am
    Well, good for you, i guess? Bcs this kind of story happen everywhere tho in my place. That is why i wrote as 'relatable'. Jeje

    sorry, I didn't consider tone when I wrote that. In my mind, I was reciting facts, not gloating or feeling superior. I was thinking about how cultural and political differences can even change the way we relate to a manga. A person who lives in a society (or family) which is restricted would have a very keen appreciation for stories about running away for the sake of living freely. Those who don't need to do so, have to work harder at an empathetic response. Does that make sense?

    I Thot You Was a Toad July 1, 2017 3:07 am
    sorry, I didn't consider tone when I wrote that. In my mind, I was reciting facts, not gloating or feeling superior. I was thinking about how cultural and political differences can even change the way we relate... I Thot You Was a Toad

    And the reason why I was thinking about this is because I've been surprised on the receiving end of this experience, describing something to someone which I felt was very romantic and moving, while their feedback was that it felt very sentimental and emotive to them. Hearing a story about why this manga is relatable and authentic lets some of that feeling emerge.

    Jeje July 2, 2017 2:50 am
    sorry, I didn't consider tone when I wrote that. In my mind, I was reciting facts, not gloating or feeling superior. I was thinking about how cultural and political differences can even change the way we relate... I Thot You Was a Toad

    It's fine. I see where you come from. People experience do change the perspective of live.

    I Thot You Was a Toad July 2, 2017 3:46 am
    It's fine. I see where you come from. People experience do change the perspective of live. Jeje

    I still find the real life story utterly inspirational.

    Rinsama_ July 15, 2017 2:16 pm

    Omg... This is so inspirational!!