Should've been a chapter longer to address things in a more heartfelt manner. Reciprocating the lilbro's feeling from MC came outta nowhere, I feel that like acknowledging his brother's feeling while being confronted with his girlfriend's... whatchamacallit saviour complex + pet kink would've been a good way to end the volume, then there could've been a 2nd one which focused on his recovery as a person while also developing his romance w his lil bro. There's potential to this story line but it was executed poorly
Should've been a chapter longer to address things in a more heartfelt manner. Reciprocating the lilbro's feeling from MC came outta nowhere, I feel that like acknowledging his brother's feeling while being confronted with his girlfriend's... whatchamacallit saviour complex + pet kink would've been a good way to end the volume, then there could've been a 2nd one which focused on his recovery as a person while also developing his romance w his lil bro. There's potential to this story line but it was executed poorly