I love

Judychan January 25, 2025 1:26 am

I might be the only one who love this . JK is so hot being toxic and I am here for it all. I am with grandma here thinking he’s he greenest flag that it makes me blush . Good looking people are allowed to as toxic as they want and I’ll eat it up every time like you all are but at least I am not a hypocrite as to why I am here reading this. Stop lying y’all and get mad at some fictional character. You wish he was real so you can pick up your jaw from the floor now.

    cirriuskitty February 3, 2025 4:42 am
    You know you’re a double hypocrite. You rage against this for a fictional character but wish it on a real person. And you’re laughing about it. You do know that your thinking is more twisted that JK’s rig... Judychan

    girl ur the one who said you loved it so why tf are u coming for me? ur a mess tf

    cirriuskitty February 3, 2025 4:43 am
    You know you’re a double hypocrite. You rage against this for a fictional character but wish it on a real person. And you’re laughing about it. You do know that your thinking is more twisted that JK’s rig... Judychan

    genuine question by the way, do u need mental help?

    Akaito February 3, 2025 4:48 am
    alright, let me clarify what i mean when i say i’m struggling to understand your points. it comes down in part to just the way you type, i’m gonna be honest. your punctuation is all over the place and/or no... Akaito

    anyway, i think i’m quite coherent. it’s just that i’m applying nuance where i think nuance is fit to be applied. not everything is black and white. i think people are free to read or watch something whether or not they like or hate it, for example—i think it’s stupid to say otherwise. tell me precisely where i’ve outright contradicted myself, though, and i’ll address it.

    i said on ONE COMMENT i made to you that i lost the plot and it was because i was getting bogged down in brainstorming an alternative plot, which i was using as an EXAMPLE that, again, you do not need wildly toxic characters to make an interesting story. that was in DIRECT RESPONSE to you saying that the people who hate jaekyung right now would find him BORING if he were a different type of character. my point being: no, not necessarily.

    if you like jaekyung the way he is, that’s fine…can you point out to me where i said that YOU have to dislike the way he’s written? because all that I’VE said is that *I* do not think he’s well-written. can you point out to me where i said jaekyung needs to be a whole different character, that this webtoon needs a whole different plot, or that you needed to agree with me on either of those two things? no. again, the alternate plot idea was to demonstrate a different point. i said i found jaekyung’s character as is to be interesting in some ways, but otherwise flat. and i don’t give a fuck if you agree with me or not on these things. if you do, you do. if you don’t, oh well. this isn’t a difference of opinion that’s worth chasing.

    i don’t actually think jaekyung’s character needs to change all that much to be more compelling. and i can’t say for sure what would or wouldn’t help, given that the story isn’t finished yet and i can’t evaluate the full scope of what the author is trying to do with him. the issues with jaekyung’s character don’t even really stop at just him, either. but really, all i think i would’ve like from jaekyung is a little more range in behavior and emotion—or at least SOME contextualization of the way he is now in order to humanize him a bit more. moments where he displays some emotion other than annoyance, rage, or smugness. moments where we, as the audience, can at least see some HINTS at how and why he became the way he is.

    we know all about dan’s backstory and can thus understand some of how/why he acts the way he does. we’ve seen dan be both incredibly meek AND capable, every now and then, of sticking up for himself a bit. like there’s a moment in the webtoon where dan is able to tell jaekyung to fuck off during sex for a brief moment so that he can go check on his grandma. that in and of itself gives us an interesting break in dan’s usual character—and at the same time the action feels in-character for him because we’ve already seen how important his grandma is to him, that she’s been basically the only parental/guardian figure in his life since he was a child.

    up till now, we STILL don’t know shit about jaekyung. we hardly ever see these little breaks in his character. there are some! i will admit! but they pale in comparison to him carrying on very business as usual, being a piece of shit not only to dan, but a lot of the people around him. like we get these moments where he can act cordial around dan’s grandma and where he kinda backs down from his bullshit if his coach steps in to scold him. even in this recent chapter, we see him help out in this little town. it’s something, but these moments are few and far in-between…and we don’t have any context for this behavior, either. we can intuit that jaekyung seems to respect his elders/superiors, but why does he do that? is he like that because he had this respect instilled in him from a young age by the people around him? is it because there was an older person in his life who was important to him? is it just because of korean culture? without the context, its just…there. otherwise, he’s just being a self-serving asshole for what still feels like no real reason.