You know you’re a double hypocrite. You rage against this for a fictional character but wish it on a real person. And you’re laughing about it. You do know that your thinking is more twisted that JK’s right. You see what a bunch of rage idiots you are. I can point out the obvious toxic behaviors you think you are better than JK. You twisted minded fool.
I speak the truth and it butthurt some people who think they are better than JK. At least HK is a fictional character. But these fools are being her biggest toxic hypocrites to wish this kind of shit happen to a real person. Yet these fools all think they are better human being and put out false moral orutrage. If people hate the story so much. Just stop reading. But they won’t because they are not only morally corrupt but the the worst kind of double hypocrites. I would laugh if they weren’t such twisted minded fools.
I'm replying because I think this is directed at me (?) lol, so let me clarify: I didn't "wish this kind of shit" to happen to you. Your comment literally talks about how you love Jaekyung so much and his toxicity.
> "JK is so hot being toxic and I am here for it all."
> "I am with grandma here thinking he’s he greenest flag that it makes me blush"
You even say in the second sentence that how he acts is considered as a "green flag". Not to mention your topic is literally titled "I love". You really seem to love the word "hypocrite" yet you act so ironically. If you don't get what I'm trying to say here you should do some thinking and reflect a little before you reply
Yes. I love JK because he’s fictional. I like my fictional character to be hot as hell and toxic as hell. You know not everyone needs to hate the fictional characters you supposedly hate yet keep coming back to read it. You know deep down you like JK because why else are you here. I can separate fiction from reality. You’re being a hypocrite if you say you bitch about him and come back. And do not gaslight me like I am a kid. I am a full grown adult twice your age. I know when someone is fucking around and wishing me ill. Do not fucking try to be the bigger person my making it seem like it’s a joke you wish that shit on me. You get to fuck around and play victim with your innocent act. Don’t pull your holier than Mary crap on me. I have see through professional bullshit artist and you’re doing amateur hour here with this walk back and making it seem like it’s am the dumbass when it’s you that is stinking this work of fiction. You’re being a came here into my comment with pick me energy thing your were right. You have your posse of clowns who made you this stupidly fearless to do a walk back with me. Little girl, you need to crawl back into to your mom and be reborn again if you think I’m misunderstood you in any way. GTFO here.
When have I ever said that everyone needs to hate Jeakyung? It's a known fact that he's toxic but are you saying because people dislike a character in a story then they have no right to continue reading? Actually, it's frankly non of your business why people want to read or continue this story but if I don't tell you, then you'll just keep creating crazy assumptions No? I read this story because I find it entertaining and amusing to read. So I hope I've cleared that up. Also, I don't appreciate you trying to change the subject. Most, if not everything you just said sounds to me like you were just ranting on a discontinued argument that you had with someone else.
You say you only like Jaekyung because he's fictional and you like your fictional characters to be hot and toxic as hell but then you also say "Good looking people are allowed to as toxic as they want and I’ll eat it up every time". I'm actually literate and it's clear that what your saying here is that ANYONE who looks good is ALLOWED to be a piece of shit and you'll still glorify them. Now that we're back to the topic, It seems you didn't get my point at all in my previous reply so I'll just tell you now: You love Jaekyungs character so much even while aware of how toxic and horrible he is, yet you got so offended and mad when I said "may this kind of love find you" You love to call people hypocrites when you're one yourself. "Wishing me ill" "wish that shit on me". You clearly acknowledge that what Jaekyung does is wrong yet you still admire him. Again, just another one of the instances of your hypocrisies
And lastly I don't believe your a "full grown adult twice my age." I'm not asking you to show or give me evidence that you are. Your spelling and grammar are really off and you focus more on giving insults and cursing rather than trying to prove a point. Your mindset also very contributes. My point is: start acting like the "full grown adult that's twice my age" that you claim to be. This time I really hope you try to comprehend and understand the things I've said instead of just immediately replying.
Why do you think the comment was addressed to you except you are outing yourself. People like you with your pick me self importance need to get over yourself. NOT EVERYTHIGN PEOPLE SAY IS MEANT FOR YOU.. Except you thinking too highly of yourself. You know how many people bitch about hating JK and this manga. They know I am not talking to them. Because they don’t give a shit. Unlike you. You fucking take everything personally to you and only you. Stop being such a self righteous, self important, delusional, POS. While you’re at it, Stop being such a fucking killjoy in the common section. There is a way to give constructive criticism. And then teach you. Being a little whiny ass bitch. Fuck off. Get a fucking life. Stop trolling the common section And think that everything people say that you disagree with is addressed to you personally. I get that you have no life. You have too much time on your hands. I don’t and I am done with this conversation. The next time you wish something shitty happens to a person who you have never met on the other side the screen, You need to check yourself. You are saying that JK is toxic. Then what the fuck are you? You need to look yourself in the mirror and know that you are worse than JK. No one has ever told you this. I am here to tell you. You are welcome.
i agree you can like a fictional character who is outright a criminal amongst other things and it doesn’t immediately say something abt what you condone or find acceptable in real life but i also think its objectively hilarious to blow up like this over someone making one throwaway comment someone made about you meeting that character irl. like personally i’d have clarified that yeah i wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole if he were real but i’m on my knees sucking his fictional dick anyway, or joked around about becoming as morally degenerate as he is if i was, you know…self-aware.
It is always telling who are the mentally corrupt readers when they take a general comment with a personal attack. I clearly stated I might the only one who love JK as a I’m a work of fiction. I am not wrong to call out all the killjoys who constantly come into the comment section being the virtue signalers who cannot admit their twist delight in loving the manga with their purity thoughts. They are so weird to wish evil to a person they don’t know. Yet they think they are better than JK. Make it make sense for me. It’s not false that they like the toxicity of JK. He adds drama and spice to an otherwise boring story. It’s creative writing 101 to add conflict and drama to hook readers. If JK meets Doc Dan and he sweeps DD off his feet to live happily ever after. The story would be boring AF. It will be a one off or three chapter manga. Like these whiny little babies would then complain he story is boring AF. These killjoys offer nothing yet the pollute the comment section so I cannot find the good feedback with constructive criticism or give good spoilers. I have to shift through a pile of of bullshit to find the good ones who have insightful breakdowns. I feel sorry for people in general who have to deal with toxic killjoys who will kill you in real life if they can want a real person like myself to get into a real relationship with JK. These are scary people. They give the same energy of a wife beater who tells a woman he loves thst he is beating her up for her own good. Scary people who can knife you in he back while smiling Tom people as they are doing it.
…so idk where to start.
yeah, i’d generally say wishing someone harm is bad, but i’m also like, idk, depends. i’d probably tell someone to kill themselves if they clapped and cheered about a transphobic depiction of a trans person in fiction, for example. but also, comparing someone merely wishing harm on others to someone like jaekyung who actively rapes and abuses, or people who kill is…certainly something.
anyway i don’t think i saw where this person claimed they were better than jaekyung. and i also don’t know why you people immediately default to say that anyone who doesn’t like the webtoon or doesn’t like jaekyung must just secretly be fans…is it that hard to conceive of people finding his actions reprehensible? you’re the one saying that this person wishes you harm by merely wishing you find someone like jaekyung IRL…so you agree, his actions are harmful. some people will look at that and not be a fan of him—it doesn’t mean they don’t like or enjoy the story overall. they might even like his character and how he’s written but dislike him as a person.
personally, i of course dislike him as a person, and i also dislike the way that he’s written. pretty emblematic of what toxic masculinity and an abundance of power can make of a person, which i find interesting, but it does not otherwise make him compelling as of yet. he feels more like a caricature to me more than anything else a lot of the time, rather than an attempt at creating a more well-rounded, human-feeling character.
fiction writing 101, lol. yes, conflict is a core part of storytelling. but there’s all kinds of different conflicts characters can have with each other, and all kinds of different ways an author can go about writing and resolving that conflict. even that scenario you described where jaekyung and dan get together right away can have conflicts that have little to nothing to do with the two characters being toxic to one another, and can still make for an interesting story. just off the top of my head, let’s imagine a jaekyung who isn’t a complete and total asshole…his fame alone could be a point of conflict that puts strain on a quickly established relationship between himself and dan, where now dan has to deal with the stresses of being in a relationship with a famous person. like him no longer having any privacy, people scrutinizing his every action/their relationship with each other, people sending him negative messages because he’s jaekyung’s partner…maybe you’d even have dan comparing himself to jaekyung and struggling to see why jaekyung would choose to be with him over someone of jaekyung similar social standing, him feeling like he doesn’t have the same accomplishments to boast of and feeling inadequate…
obviously that’s a different story from this one and the author didn’t need to write that kind of thing for this to be a good story but, well. idk. i think i lost my own plot, lol. i mean basically, the characters don’t have to be wildly toxic for them or their story to be compelling. and just because a character is wildly toxic doesn’t automatically mean they’re complex or well-written. maybe YOU might find that type of story less interesting, but i think it’s a stretch to say that people who dislike jaekyung as he is now would find a different version of him boring.
I am 100% sure that I am a lot older than most of you are who are reading this unless you are in your 60s. I have seen stuff before things during my lifetime. Before toxic behavior was all the rage in call outs. Especially now on social media as toxic masculinity. I know that I am a lot more evolved than a lot of the readers here. I might not like someone, but I never wish them ill will just because I don’t like them. I want to call out people and have to be made self aware of it. How they need to be told shit their pare at anmd life should have taught them. So they can reflect and change their toxic behaviors. People are so easily triggered by things because people put themselves on a self importance pedestal. When in fact it is a none of you damn business pedestal. There are many people who are commenting on not liking JK. This is all fine if you just want to call JK out for his toxic behavior. I read through those, and I have no issue with it. I even agree that JK is a POS to Dan. But he’s still a well drawn hot AF POS. The ones I have issue with is calling out his toxic behavior, then saying that they are done with him. Yet, every time a new chapter comes out they are in the comment section again. Callling out things that, we as readers have clearly read and decided that we want to continue reading this manga. Those are the hypocrites I am talking about and peole like that always out themselves whenever I go into the comment section taking a piss about it.
I clearly stated that I know why I am reading this manga. It is because JK is drawn to be beautifully handsome. I want to see what he’s going to do next that people are enabling in the manga. He’s doing the most fucked up shit because people are allowing him to do it in the manga. This is also true in life. I work in the fashion and beauty space. This is absolutely true in life. Was Alexander Wang being the most Toxic POS, raping models, who are drunk or drugged up? Did people in the fashion industry, know of this and allowed it to happen? Was he called out for it? Was he cancel? The answer to it is no. He is still out there giving interviews now like it’s no big deal. How do you think Joel Epstein was able to get away with human trafficking, rapist attending his sex parties with the women he traffic? Do we not have in America a sitting president now who is a convicted felon on top of being a piece of shit. He’s been accused of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and raping. Yet people vote him into office! This is the space I am coming from when I say that are hypocrites.
People might be mad that I’m stating the obvious which is why people are so butt hurt to wish that I find a guy like JKto get into a relationship with. It’s laughable to me that this people are thinking like grade school kids in a sandbox. Throwing sand in my face. Like a five year old with no impulse control. And the most laughable irony is that they are saying that I, as a person who is 3x their age being called a child when they cannot see their own actions and what it means. The three people who are commenting on my comments are acting like a bunch of mean girls in high school who is just picking on someone just to get their jollies. Do you see how ridiculous these little butt hurt clowns are?
Again, I cannot emphasize enough. If you find JK to be so toxic and you have an issue with the writer, just stop reading. Do not support the authors in this kind of manga. This is a guarantee way to stop these kind of characters. But you, and all the three clowns who have commented are not going to start reading this. And there goes my proof that those 3 commentators are hypocrites. They are saying they hate these types of characters. Much like how you are saying you don’t not like this character being toxic. Y’all know you are reading this because JK is drawn so beautifully. As I had originally said. We do not need to keep lying to ourselves like we are better human beings by bitching about how much of a POS JK is week after week. How y’all are done coz none of y’all are done until he author says they are done.
i feel like you’re lowkey not even reading any of what i’ve said, nor are you really addressing any of it. then you’re also like, spiraling into tangents and topics that i’ve not even brought up with you, to the point where i’m k having trouble understanding what your point is. like i, personally, have never once brought up your or even my age. but i’m frankly beginning to think that the lady doth protest too much…i doubt you’re actually someone in your 50s or 60s or whatever, and if you are, man, idk…i won’t say there’s an age where you have to stop enjoying things, but doesn’t this feel a bit too juvenile to you? not only your response to these comments, but this webtoon overall? it feels too juvenile to me. but i guess i am here, too, lol.
anyway, yeah, to an extent it is true that jaekyung’s characters and actions are true to life. it’s absolutely true that part of the reason why he gets away with so much is because people enable him to do so—they might take issues with his behavior and call him out for it but let some things slide (jaekyung’s coaches) or they might not care enough to do anything about it at all (heesung) or they might see nothing wrong with what he’s doing at all. it’s also partially because, you know, if you’re someone like dan, or even someone like one of the members of jaekyung’s gym, you don’t really have the power to say no to someone like jaekyung for a variety of reasons. and there’s also the fact that he can act somewhat normal in front of people, as we see in the most recent chapter…he’s capable of doing good sometimes, lol, even though most of the time it’s for his own gain. i don’t really get what that has to do with people being hypocritical though?
and, again…there are all kinds of reasons why someone might continue reading this webtoon despite taking issue with aspects of it. honestly, i was done with it for a while because, yeah, i just…find it overwhelmingly cliche, but i’m still somewhat curious to see how it will end. i was also, for a time, trying to understand other people’s POVs when it came to this webtoon—both in terms of what they liked about it and what they hated about it, and see if i agreed or disagreed. and good or bad, any piece of art can be analyzed, and i like doing analysis and discussing (or debating) with people about it. i was not and still am not here because jaekyung is so beautifully drawn…personally, i find dan cuter and more attractive, i’m not a fun of super muscly dudes. the art is nice overall, too. but i was here more so for the plot/characters. the way you’re talking about it, it’s as if you see nothing good or worthwhile about this webtoon except “toxic man pretty.” nothing’s wrong with that, but it’s pretty telling if that’s the only thing you think people come here for…
i don’t care enough to say something like “i want this type of story to stop being written” or “the author should quit writing.” tbh i would be sad if the author quit because, no matter how bad i think someone’s art is, i think they should keep making it anyway. and i don’t find her stuff harmful enough to say that, either. i never said i had a problem with jaekyung being toxic—the issue is that he’s toxic AND he’s not written well. it’s natural that i dislike his personality and his actions…but i might still appreciate him as a character. but i don’t, not really. like i said, he’s interesting, but otherwise…if he were toxic and well-written we’d be having a whole different conversation. all i said was that it’s possible to write a compelling story with complex without the characters being wildly toxic to one another, and that just because a character is toxic doesn’t necessarily mean they’re well written. this was in response to you saying stories need conflict and that people would take issue with jaekyung if he WEREN’T toxic…
I read what you said. And a lot of points you are saying, and then you are contradicting with the IDK to play the devils advocate in your arguments. I try to make heads or tails, but what you said. You even said yourself that you don’t even know what you’re talking about in your comments. Do you not understand that you have very little coherent thoughts in your response to me and I was trying to figure out what it is that you’re trying to say and this is my interpretation of it clearly you do not even have a clear thoughts of what you are trying to say. Whereas I have stood my ground from the very first to your comments. I have said that if you do not like toxic characters in a fictional manga, They simply don’t read it. The simple thought that get across to you.
Yes, I know that you did not bring up my age. But if you follow the threat of this whole conversation, you can see that my age was brought up. And I am telling you and other readers that I have years on you. And the simple fact that you cannot wrap your head around a clear point of you too again like all the other commenters invalidating my point of you by saying, you doubt my age. Yes, this is how someone who have life experience and a solid point of view will talk to you Because you and the other commentators have yet to live the life experience that I have, you are rambling. Reread what you had wrote and think of it as reading from someone who is writing if that’s not you and see how I have address your point of view to make sense of things. You just do not like my point of you so again, you are invalidating it because you expect a certain answer, and I did not give you the answer that you expected.
You want me to be wishy-washy with my point of view like you are with yours. I did not give you that so you think I did not read what you wrote. You wrote a lot of things about rewriting the whole story of this manga. If that was the case, then people would not be in the common section being all pissed about how JK is. And this is what irks you and the other commentators. That I have a point of view of JK stay exactly how the author have written him as. I have no Issue with a character written with a lots of toxicity or masculine toxicity. You and the other commentators have a big issue with this type of character. You want to change the whole entirety of the character that the author have conjure up. Do you know how ridiculous it is to me to read what you said? You wants a complete different story than what the author has put out. You wanted me to point out this and agree with you that Jk should change. I wholeheartedly do not agree, which is why I just brushed it off. And this is why you think I did not read what you wrote. When the person does not want to address a point of view that you have it, does that mean that the person did not read what you wrote. And if you have more life experience than I have, then you would know. People like me who have left decades know how to do diplomacy. You as a young kid do not know when someone is being graceful, and not tearing something that you hold value into shreds. One day when you get to my age, you would realize that your opinion about what you have written to me it’s very foolish and did not age well. When you have that aha moment of having lived experiences, you will see everything I have said in this comment thread is true.
Clearly, I am having a silly argument with silly people With silly expectations of how I need to behave in the comment section. It’s always ridiculously funny to me how people do not want to be coming to policed. Yes, you like to be the comment vigilantes. You want to shame people to the point that they shut the fuck up that is your acts of vigilantism. So for this, I am done and I am just gonna fuck off because this is a waste of my time.
alright, let me clarify what i mean when i say i’m struggling to understand your points. it comes down in part to just the way you type, i’m gonna be honest. your punctuation is all over the place and/or non-existent. many of your sentences are fragmented and/or grammatically incorrect. sentences like “And a lot of points you are saying, and then you are contradicting with the IDK to play the devils advocate in your arguments” and “And the simple fact that you cannot wrap your head around a clear point of you too again like all the other commenters invalidating my point of you by saying, you doubt my age,” for example, do not make any grammatical sense, and it feels as if you are jumping from one idea to another within one sentence without any clear or smooth transition into it.
and when i say i feel you’re not addressing my points, what i mean is that you’re not addressing ME. you’re talking to me, but then you’re also shadowboxing other people who have made points that i simply have not made. i’ll clearly tell you if i like or dislike something you have to say, that isn’t the issue here, and i’m not trying to avoid anything. it’s just that, again, i’m struggling to keep track of the conversation when your grammar and syntax is in the way AND you’re also discussing points i hadn’t brought up. like your age. and to be clear, i don’t actually give a fuck how old you are. a kid can make a good point and an adult can make a bad point and vice-versa. i just think if i were in my 50s or 60s, me PERSONALLY, i’d want to be engaging with things more worthwhile than this. me as a 23 year old right now, i’m bored and procrastinating doing more important things. lol.
I might be the only one who love this . JK is so hot being toxic and I am here for it all. I am with grandma here thinking he’s he greenest flag that it makes me blush . Good looking people are allowed to as toxic as they want and I’ll eat it up every time like you all are but at least I am not a hypocrite as to why I am here reading this. Stop lying y’all and get mad at some fictional character. You wish he was real so you can pick up your jaw from the floor now.