I'm obese in real life and while I totally respect your opinion and understand other people's desire for change and representation, I would never want to read a story like this with fat or massive obese main characters, because those BL are a pause from reality for me. If I want to see fat, the only thing I need is a mirror.

Yeah their opinion it's soo valid and there's nothing wrong with that type of thinking ヾ(☆▽☆) you know... why don't we just let people think that just because they don't like fat people they can decide whether they appear in TV or not or better just because they don't like gay people, its better they don't appear in literature what do you think hehe :)
It's better stop people with that type of opinion of thinking that it's right or that they have a safe place to share said opinion.
Just because they are obese it does not mean that they can't be fat phobic and have stupid opinions.
I know it wasn't the right approach but I don't care.

i think you misunderstood something, I don't think that the person who wrote the comment is a fat phobic since their fat themselves, I think that they only reads to avoid their reality and that there's nothing wrong with a fat person working on themselves, it's like when your life is sad so you avoid reading angst bc you just want some comfort, they didn't mean than fat ppl don't have the right to appear in a story or be an mc, they just said that they wouldn't prefer reading it bc it will remind them of their suffering.

Not because they're fat they can't be fat phobic it's like a racist person saying that they can't be racist because they have a black friend, they are sharing a fat phobic opinion and you are endorsing it.
And in the comment the person explicitly says that they don't like fat mc and they are clearly not working on themselves because you can read the disgust they have for fat people.

Well not liking the mc for being "basic" but liking the ml even tho he's the same idk you might have other internal issues good luck with that but lemme tell u it'll bring you nothing to read something where you dislike the main character you don't have to like him but to keep reading it? You're self sabotaging yourself just let it go man

The thing is I don’t find ml basic but refreshing, he’s interesting mix of cunning and kind. But maybe you are right and I should stop reading but I am hoping for a change I guess? But I don’t know why you felt comfortable to assume I have internal issues that os such a weid thing to say to someone just pointing their opinion about comic
This might be a bit unpopular opinion, but I don’t really care for mc.. He’s whiny, mostly passive until kinda aggressive, trauma/drama is not interesting.. I don’t like him being that small either. I would have even preferred him to stay fat, I am just tired of this trope. Dohyun on the other hand is such an interesting character!! I liked omega complex much more, there was some real chemistry between Dohyun and main character of OC!! Like I felt it in my stomach. During this I sadly feel nothing, there is no chemistry and no reason for Dohyun to like mc. But I like Dohyun so I will keep reading.