Anyone thinks sex crazed Mugo is end game and the father of future babies? He has small to none interactions with the other personalities thou. But we’ll never know since story is still infant.
That's what I also though and also in the cover of this manwha, he's with the sex crazed Mugo not his 'Sir Mugu'
I meant mugo
Thought* My keyboard keeps on messing with me wth
Honestly the kind sir mugo seems a bit sketchy
Sameee, like we barleybon chp 12 and this man all of a sudden has the bright idea of reproduction either way i see future kids
Who is the original owner of Mugos body thou? Is it the Sir mugo?
I think yes. Since the sex crazed Mugo keeps on calling the Sir Mugo an old man or smth like that
Anyone thinks sex crazed Mugo is end game and the father of future babies? He has small to none interactions with the other personalities thou. But we’ll never know since story is still infant.