Just leaving a comment for future me

Angelic_Poppy January 25, 2025 4:42 pm

I stopped reading at chapter 97. I'm so emotionally invested in this manhwa that I don't think I'll ever recover from it. I've seen the spoilers about the ending all over my social media and I get a gist about how it all went down.

So far I'm happy about the way it ended, all this based by the spoilers I've seen so far, the author showed us all the good and all the bad sides of Skylar and Cirrus. They've grown into their own trauma and they have learnt, together, to not dwell into the painful memories others, including themselves, have caused them. These two have inflicted each other a lot a pain too and still, somehow, they keep finding things to love and adore about one another.

They learnt how awful can be to love someone but they've also learnt how beautiful it is to ask for forgiveness when you've done something hurtful to someone you love. And even though we won't be seeing a lot more of them in the future, I'm sure they'll keep on making this types of mistakes, or different ones, over and over again. Cause I mean, let's be honest, they're young and they still have a long way to go, but I think that's the beauty of it.

I find all of this little flaws so endearing, so human. I can't help but be reminded of myself sometimes, whether is Sky or Cirrus. I've been there too. I've been a troublemaker as a teenager once too! I've been confused about how am I supposed to accept and give love to others around me cause I didn't know better! Because my parents didn't teach me how to! I also did things I didn't wanted as I child, but I was scared to talk to someone cause what if they turned their backs on me because of what I went through?

I bet that more than one of us in here has felt the same way at least once on their life's and that's why a tiny piece of my heart goes to these two (and to the author). This story is a reminder that there's things and people out there that make this experience called life worth living.

I could keep on rambling on about how much this story has made me feel in the past few years, but I will let that to my future self once I regain the courage to come back and finish reading the whole thing.

Take care of yourself and cherish the people around you. Live a healthy and happy life and remember your upbringings do not define you as a person.

