13yo and 7yo is the difference between middle school and kindergarten. Age them up a bit, and ML was still obsessed with a 14yo when he was 20yo - that's a hell of an age gap. I hope you don't think that's normal lol
24yo and 30yo is not too bad, but the younger they both are, the bigger that gap gets developmentally/maturity-wise

Struggling to figure what you're trying to say lmao. I read this bc I enjoy it, psycho semester are the best. Just stop trying to justify the behavior as normal or okay bc fiction, or historical, or it was written in 2011 (the dark ages, of course standards were wildly different... a decade ago lmao really???) It can be problematic and still fun to read, those aren't two different boxes lol

Yah yah whatever you think I was just saying not everything is pedo since both of them were minor and uke is too much childish in mind to understand anything if the first place this story is mostly like this trope were uke is kinda naive and seme has to do everything at least dude is not making him his concubine but making him his empress... Concept is kinda good in my opinion

Yeah, the concept is hilarious. Uke is such an airhead
I guess the term I'm looking for isn't pedo but it does check a lot of boxes for grooming. It's just a personal pet peeve when people like a story, so they ignore the red flags- you can totally like a story AND still acknowledge what makes the relationship kinda sus

?? Maybe touch some fucking grass? Why would you think 13 year old wants to have sex with a 7 year old? You’re the weird one here. They are kids. Kids have crushes all the time, to their teacher, friends’ sister, an older/younger childhood friend. It’s perfectly normal. Ur disgusting, not everything is about sex. You can have crushes with anyone

There was no ‘age-gap relationships’, they were not lovers. They were only kids, it was a kid being friends with another kid that he likes. Unless you mean every kid isn’t allowed to be friends with anyone mildly older than them? Cause why else would kids being friends, ur first thoughts would be ‘weird’. Ur argument makes no sense “i didnt imply anything sexual.” That’s literally the definition of sexual grooming. It is to groom a child into a sexual relationship? Do you even know what you’re talking about? Don’t learn ur definitions in tiktok/twitter then diagnose random people. Ur not a doctor.

Thank you, my reading comprehension is all fine. i think yours should need more work. And you being in medschool makes you think you have the prerogative to diagnose random people? no fictional characters lmfao. Its not rly worth mentioning but i’m also in medschool. A huge pity for your school and educators tho, first thing they ever teach you there is to never diagnose people cause you simply aren’t equipped to do so. Its not really a surprise, you pretty much learnt nothing evidently.
I am.in chapter 7 this prince is a pedo