Many experts agree that calling material despicting the sexual exploitation of minors 'child pornography' is extremely harmful. It implies legitimacy, compliance, and undermines the actual abuse going on.
Either way, characters are objects it quite literally cannot be CSEM if it isn't sentient, it needs to be able to be exploited
Cat videos Cuz yoi Need some whimsy in yiur Life ok thanks
All that logical argumentations on proper terminology you have a brain on but not when drawing the line on what media you consume. Basically, you are begging to see a "fictional" kid in a sexual act, problematic as fuck but because "it's fiction" it's such a convenient blanket that you argue that no real life connection is identifiable on what type of fucked up shit you are.
Don't wanna be called out as bad because you are not actually able to assault it irl due to it's lack of sentience, don't wanna be called a pedo, don't wanna be called a child molester for there is no physical child. But your brain had already normalized the idea of seeing an image of a kid and thinking it's okay to associate it with sex because it is not sentient and still that is "normal".
Can the same rule apply to dead people. Can I go around fucking them since no sentience = not able to be exploited. Duh no, that's necrophilia and another fucked up topic altogether.
Since you're gonna refute every single terminology in real life, I'd say this manga now is just a fucked up den of lawless piece of shits with, still, no terminology for their mental sickness attached to their names, formally. So right now, I'll just call you a no-sentience-child-having-sex-with-an-adult lover.
Too long. But maybe in 2050 something we'll be able to legally call you NSCHSWAAL, I'll pronounce it en-sh-wal and you get rights as origin story.
Dead people aren't objects, characters are. aka unexploitable
The whole point of dark fiction is that it's a mere fantasy. Someone with a healthy brain and a strong moral backbone knows that fiction is fiction and won't let it decide for them irl
Your lines separating fiction and reality is very blurred. If you read one fanfic including CSA and suddenly go 'I think raping children is fine now' then you're the predator not the other way around
Nobody sane lets fiction decide what is right and wrong, because in fiction no one is being harmed (unless its based off of anything real) while in reality, there's trauma.
I've been held down, touched in ways that a prepubescent child shouldn't be touched. Many SA victims find it uncomfortable to be compared to something that can't experience trauma, including me
I already know this is gonna go no where since it's obvious you haven't done any research on any psychology or paraphilias, but just know putting characters on the same pedestal as real people is overall harmful as it not only takes focus away from reality, but shoves SA victims into a box of what a perfect victim looks like
Many use it to cope, similar to how some use CNC. Shaming these people just because they are healing in a way that makes you uncomfortable is simply disgusting. Like CNC, fiction is just a thought. Not a real situation (press the censorship, fiction section, it's at the top)
sorry if I added something twice lol
Nigga don't try to brainwash me ,No where it's written that "csa victims loves to see another child getting groomed " stop giving such a pathetic excuse to read this shit, I've a friend who's been a victim and she hates pedo shit to the core, victims who go through such trauma don't enjoy this type of shit,if anything it reminds them of their trauma so that makes no sense what a bunch of bs just accept that you're a degenerate
My mother would make out with me and my cousin held me down to try out something she saw on TV Claiming someone isn't a surviver simply because they cope in a way u dont like is insane and disgusting
You've been overall really creepy so I'm just gonna assume ur either a predator projecting or a 12 y/o who got information from tiktok
I dont understand how someone can get this bad
You're not a victim, you don't even know how it feels, so why do u act like u know whats best for me?
Purity culture has corrupted you to the point where you think its ok to wish SA upon a real person, claim someone isnt a victim, and overall shame said person
Listen to psychologists for once in ur life and stop hiding behind the excuse of harassing pedophiles (someone who can tell the difference between reality and fiction)
if you put this energy into focusing on actual victims maybe we’d make some progress but no. You want to play the moral police
You should seek proper mental treatment if you still want to see child porn doesn't matter if it's fiction, you're fucked up in the head even after going through that, and how did you know if I've gone through something like that or not? Any mentally sane person would find this fucked up , you need help ,go and get a therapist instead of seeking to watch child porn in social media ,i can't type in long ass paras
YUU IS SO CUTE OUGJHJMKWG. If Tsubaki doesn't top him I'm shooting myself mark my words