I wanted to see so i searched up zinchanmangag shi had so many pop ups and talking about virus juju cat save us
Have you not got good adblocker website? I swear once you find a actually good adblocker, It block every single pop up even annoying ones. You reallyyy need search have to find a actually good blocker cus most are so useless at blocking them
i owe apple money and my dumb self deleted the one i had so i have to wait
What the drama behind that? It usually apple that be stealing money not buyers
They literally be charging ur credit card for no reason greedy company af (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ (눈‸눈)
I wanted to see so i searched up zinchanmangag shi had so many pop ups and talking about virus juju cat save us