you know what's the worst that he'd be such an excellent psychopathic villain like for re...

Amineko January 23, 2025 3:22 pm

you know what's the worst
that he'd be such an excellent psychopathic villain
like for real. he's pretty... well written? the "i don't understand what embarrassment is coz I'm mentally ill" gaged me (also kudos to the author for managing to gag me in this economy. i thought i;ve seen it all. alas!)
but for real. he's a pretty well-rounded character. there are layers! the past, the masking, the obsession, the craving for understanding what human emotions are... (fuck it stinks of twilight skskskskskksksk), the system that allows him to thrive all that! He could be a cool villain. And I feel like if he was actually a villain and not a LOVE INTEREST ?!, I think, personally, I could see myself rooting for him. But you know, when you root for a villain because it's fantasy. Like when he's bad news, but you know that your main character will not end up with them. So it's safe!
Such a lost opportunity to bring someone actually nice for InSeob and toss that horrible and dangerous man into a facility. And he; 'd realize that it is not a twink he needs, but medication and therapy.
