
Dontmindme January 23, 2025 6:46 am

Idk if I should give this manwha a one star or a five star..

Like one star bc wtf did I just read. Seme is a piece of shit, who is absolutely bat shit crazy but at the same time I can’t hate him because he’s unwell and the fact that after reading this you can see what kind of person he would be like IF he wasent crazy. I also feel sooooo bad for the uke.. like bro was just trying to be nice to this kid just to end up getting disowned, labeled as a child molester (which he wasent, it was his cousin who was), getting raped through out the manwha, becoming extremely traumatized, trying to escape this crazy ass seme just to then get this weird ass relationship with him by “falling in love”, which btw it’s not love bro was experiencing Stockholm syndrome 101.

But then like idk if I want to make it a five because like the thriller and stuff was top tier, like this manwha really showed ll types of illnesses, has great story telling and tbh I couldn’t stop reading because it was just so interesting. The author really brought out the effects of bipolar syndrome, what it’s like to be wrongfully diagnosed, but then to also show what it’s like to have Stockholm syndrome.

Honestly this manwha gave me killing stalking vibes which is probably why I like it so much (if you romanticize ks or this manwha your sick and you need help) but bc of the ks vibes it also makes it hard to like it…. Am I the only one who thinks so??

    Matsu February 9, 2025 3:56 pm

    I totally agree with you, i dont hate this manhwa at all, i felt uncomfortable but i also like them

    Dontmindme February 9, 2025 9:13 pm
    I totally agree with you, i dont hate this manhwa at all, i felt uncomfortable but i also like them Matsu

    Okay thank god I’m not alone