It feels more like her “dumping” him was an attempt on her part to “test” him. Like see how he’ll react if she actually dumped him because he was too nonchalant about their relationship. That’s why she was kinda looking for any excuse to get back with him because she didn’t actually mean it when she dumped him. Byul also needs to get his shit together and set the record straight about the rumor that’s going around about them. BUT she is clearly saying “delulu is the solulu” to herself because he just straight up told her that they weren’t together anymore and she just refused to acknowledge it. And I’m not saying this just because she’s “getting in between” the main couple. Her actions are simply annoying.

yep you made an excellent point now that i think about it especially when she was so demanding about the chocolate bar Byul received as having something to do with her when they're not even in a relationship anymore. also i actually do think she will try to get in between Siwoo and Byul later on. she thinks Siwoo is a killjoy and hates being in his presence that she had to go all the way to Byul's class to get away from him and proceeds to talk shit about him to Byul without knowing yet that Byul has some ulterior motive of his own with Siwoo regarding his studies, so i can only image what the ex-girlfriend is gonna do when she later finds out that Byul is hanging out with Siwoo
i feel kinda bad for the ex girlfriend. she's gonna hurt herself later if she keeps latching on to Byul despite her being the one who dumped him tho to be fair she had every right to since Byul is too nonchalant. but truth be told as well, she annoys me when she keeps making an appearance especially since she did dump him and it's not like they got back together but the mere fact that Byul was visiting her class (for Siwoo) and yet she took that as a sign that they somehow got back together is dumb on her part